Legal translation is the translation of language which is used in legal areas for legal purposes. Legal translation doesn’t mean a specific type of translation that is only used in law. It is the translation of all such legal documents which are or may be used for legal purposes as and when needed.
These documents may include the documents used by the police department, courts including Session Courts, metropolitan courts, family courts, high courts, special courts for PMLA, Supreme Court, tribunals such as Debt Recovery Tribunal, National Company Law Tribunal, Intelligence agencies such as Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and many other government agencies including Enforcement Directorate, Central Bureau of Investigation, Anti-corruption Bureau, Development Authorities, Cooperative Societies, Revenue Department, Registrar office and many more.
All these departments use avail legal translation services in some or the other manner. Thus legal translation includes the translation of FIRs, FRs, Charge-sheets, Complaints, Suits, applications, Court Orders, divorce decrees, Court Proceedings for re-appeal, statements of the parties, prosecution complaints, legal notices, contracts, agreements, sale-deed, lease-deed, memorandums, Patta, registry of sale or purchase, wills, power of attorney, legal notifications, legal curriculum, and many more.
Thus as a Legal translation service providers, it is highly important to note that the person or agency who is translating your legal document must be competent enough and have a detailed understanding of the facts as well as an understanding of legal terminologies.