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Tagging Blog Posts: Do Blog Tags Help SEO?

Tagging Blog Posts: Do Blog Tags Help SEO?

Bloggers often use tags to help people find their posts. But do blog tags really help with SEO? Some people say yes, while others claim that tags don’t have a significant impact on a site’s search engine ranking. So, what’s the truth? Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of using blog tags to see if they can truly help your SEO efforts.

What is “tagging” in blogging?

Tagging is the practice of using keywords in your blog post title, tags and links. Well, Top SEO Company in Ahmedabad come up with suggestion that tagging helps search engines understand what you’re writing about so they can provide relevant results when people search for those topics.

Tagging allows readers to find content more easily by providing them with an overview of your overall website theme or niche. For example, if you write about animals and want someone who searches “Animals” on Google to find your site, adding #animals at the beginning of each article title would be helpful because it will turn up in their SERPs (search engine result pages).

How tags improve the user experience?

Because tags help users find relevant content, they also help search engines find relevant content.

So, how do you benefit from using tags? First of all, they can help you find your own content. If you've written a blog post on SEO in 2019 and published it on Medium (and then tagged it with "SEO"), anyone searching for "SEO" in their browser will be able to see that article by clicking on an icon next to it—and if they read it, they'll be able to search again!

tags improve the user experience

Tags in WordPress

WordPress has a built-in tagging feature that lets you add tags to your blog posts and pages. You can use tags in the following ways:

Add a tag to the post meta box, which appears when you click on “Add Meta Data” under “Tools” in your WordPress dashboard. This lets you create custom fields for a single post or page, such as “tags” or “categories” (more about these later).

Add a tag directly from within the post editor after writing your content but before publishing it (this only works if there are no other edits made yet). A new tag will be automatically added at this point—you don't need any additional coding knowledge needed! This works well with simple keywords instead of long phrases such as "How To Make Money Online" because those words would make sense within those contexts but might not necessarily make sense elsewhere without some context behind them first."

Tags as a method of internal linking

Tags are a way to link to other posts in your blog and/or on other blogs. This can be done by using tags in your content, or by using tags on the side bar of your site. You can also use them when linking out from one blog post (in other words, when linking to external sites).

Let’s say you have an article about “How To Install WordPress On Windows 10” and you want someone else who lives somewhere else in the world (like Canada) to see it too. Your post is published as follows:

Title: 'How To Install WordPress On Windows 10'

Body Text: Hey everyone! I'm going to show you how easy it is install WordPress on any version of Windows 10 so that they can start blogging right away without having any problems with their computer settings or installing software packages manually like me did today!

Why you should use tags?

Tagging blog posts is an easy way to help search engines find your blog, but it’s also a great way for readers to find you. Tags are basically keywords that people use when searching on Google or Bing. It’s even possible for tags to become long-tail phrases like “tagged in: [tag]” or “tagged with: [tag].” If someone searches using a tag, they will likely see all of the posts tagged with that word as well as any other related content that has been added by other authors who use the same tags.

Thus, SEO Company in Ahmedabad says that tags also help readers find your blog. When a user searches for “tagged in: [tag]” on Google or Bing, the results will include all of the posts that have been tagged with that word. This makes it easier for them to find relevant content related to what they’re looking for. By tagging posts, you can help your readers find more information about topics they care about.


In a world where people are sharing more and more information online, it’s important for us to think about how we can use this new medium in order to make our content more accessible for users. Tags make things easier for people who want to follow your blog or find similar posts; they also help search engines know what topics are relevant so that they can rank you higher when someone searches on an exact phrase. If you’re stuck and don’t know where to get started than come to SEO Services in Ahmedabad today!

Source: Tagging Blog Posts: Do Blog Tags Help SEO?

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