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Important Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Guidelines for Beginners

 Important Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Guidelines for Beginners

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an attractive martial arts form for both youngsters and adults. At the nascent stage when you’re just starting off in BJJ, you might feel overawed by the knowledge you are expected to absorb. Moreover, to move ahead with your game, you must be well- acquainted with the techniques of BJJ. In fact, there is a lot to learn about gym ethos, class structure, and social undercurrents. Everything about martial arts training can’t be described in words. Practical training is more apt for learning BJJ. Though the lessons can be painful, here are some basic guidelines of BJJ Houston Texas for beginners –

1.      Practice a few times each week

Eventually, you will be able to train according to the time available at your disposal. If you’re able to practice once a week as per your schedule, squeeze in as much training as possible. Though, it will be challenging to make any stable advancement without getting a minimum of two or three weekly practice sessions in. There’re various other ways of getting more training like – going for solo drills at home, showing up for open mats, and coordinate with teammates for extra practice time.

2.     Keep toenails and fingernails short

Keeping long nails is fashionable but you run the risk of wounding your training partners while training. It is not an overstatement, but you can actually do a lot of damage with just a fingernail or toenail. Many BJJ practitioners bear scars on their bodies to validate the claim. Also, on the other hand, you can injure yourself by breaking your nails. So, trim your nails before joining a martial arts class in Houston to avoid injuries to your friends. It is a hygienic habit to follow.

3.     Focus on wearing a clean BJJ uniform

Always try to be in a clean Gi or No Gi uniform. It doesn’t matter if you perspire during class or not, you should still wash and clean your BJJ uniform. Since the human body is covered in bacteria and the same as the mat, maintaining hygiene is an important issue. Your uniform gets infected with bacteria as you roll and spar on the mat without sweating even.

If you don’t maintain a cleanliness routine, not only you’ll smell terrible but you will also increase the possibility of infecting yourself along with your training partners.

4.     Take drilling and sparring both seriously

You‘re not an exception who likes sparring more than drilling. Especially at the beginning of training, you might find the never-ending drilling to be monotonous, unexciting, and repetitive. The speed and movements associated with sparring are often fast and exhilarating. With all respect to your liking, for a serious BJJ practitioner drilling is essential for their enduring success. Only drilling the move of the day is not enough. Try to ensure that you can execute it during your sparring session. Then only you’ll be able to decide whether you’re comfortable with the move or not.

5.     Be inquisitive, but don’t overthink

Critical thinking and queries should be encouraged in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gyms in Texas. But don’t overdo things. Too much questioning can become a hindrance to learning the techniques and drilling. So talk less, and drill more. Mastering the basics is more important. But don’t forget to question specific techniques and execution problems as you train more.

6.    Be persistent with your training progress

You might feel that months of training are not enough to make any progress in BJJ. But remember, progress is inevitable. How you train matters in martial arts classes near me for BJJ matters. The more you embrace training, the better you’ll get at it.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is not a destination you want to reach. It’s a lifelong effort. Train hard as frequently as possible, work on your coordination with your training partners, and observe the progress you make.


Understandably, as a beginner, you should train hard, make progress, try to win against your opponents, and continue to progress and do better. But don’t risk injury. Try to follow all the necessary BJJ training tips to progress better.



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