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Bone Density Test Alberta

Insight Medical Imaging
Bone Density Test Alberta

If you require a bone density test, Alberta-based Insight Medical Imaging facilities offer bone density services. The test is comprised of a very low-dose X-ray machine that evaluates bone loss commonly associated with osteopenia or osteoporosis. Sometimes, physicians or patients will refer to a bone density test as a BMD (bone mineral density) or DEXA scan. To avoid possible wait times, we encourage you to visit our dedicated bone density test Alberta imaging facilities.

Other Services

If you require an X-ray, Insight Medical Imaging offers walk-in services at X-ray Alberta locations. To avoid possible wait times, we encourage you to visit our dedicated X-ray Alberta imaging facilities in Edmonton: Callingwood, Calgary Trail, and Capilano. We also have extended hours at various clinics dedicated to X-ray Alberta imaging if you are unable to take time off work or have rigid daily commitments. X-ray uses ionizing radiation to create images of the skeletal system. Conventional X-ray images are produced when radiation is passed through a body part and measured by a detector on the other side of the patient.

Nuclear medicine uses small amounts of radiopharmaceuticals that are injected and then used to provide an image of an organ system or a specific part of the body. Nuclear medicine Imaging is performed with a special camera known as a gamma camera. After the injection, imaging is sometimes performed immediately. Other nuclear medicine studies require delayed imaging after a few hours or even overnight. You will be instructed about the specifics during the imaging process itself. Depending on your exam, you may require some preparation. Our customer service expert radiologists at Insight Medical Imaging are here to ensure you are prepared and comfortable for your nuclear medicine exam.

Insight Medical Imaging also provides pain management to help relieve various types of joint, back, and musculoskeletal pain. This usually involves injecting cortisone into targeted joints, tendons, or bursa. Many people report relief from pain and improved quality of life for several months after an injection, although this can vary. Our highly trained radiologists use fluoroscopy or ultrasound to precisely locate the target area specified by your doctor. Before the injection, the area is sterilized and the local anesthetic is administered (similar to what your dentist would use for a dental procedure). Pain management injections are paid for by Alberta Health and there is no charge to patients.

Insight Medical Imaging
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