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Cricket Betting - What is the Easiest Bet to Win?

Zan Shen
Cricket Betting - What is the Easiest Bet to Win?

If you're a beginner in gambling, one of the most common questions you may be asking is: What is the easiest bet to win? Many professional gamblers will tell you that it's the win singles bet. Even if you're not the best picker, you can still make money online betting singapore if you follow the tips of professionals. If you want to improve your odds of winning, you should start betting on win singles.

Draw No Bet

If you have made a bet on a soccer match and it looks like a tie, you can always take the draw no bet. This betting option is a great way to win on such a bet, and you can use it for a variety of different situations. You can also place a bet on a relegation derby. Relegation matches typically see two teams settling for a draw, which makes them the perfect bet for those who are looking to make some money.


BTTS is the easiest bet to place because the goal total is predicted when the two teams have scored in the previous game. The scoring odds depend on a few factors, such as the starting lineup. If a team is missing a key goal scorer, key defenders, or the main goalkeeper, their chances of BTTS are reduced. So, BTTS picks should be made based on these factors.

Cricket betting

One of the most common types of cricket betting is the match bet, in which you bet on the team to win the match. Other popular types of cricket betting include man of the match, top batsman and bowler bets, and series betting. These types of bets are generally used for One Day Internationals and Test matches. The match bet is the easiest to place and win. The only way to get lucky is to place your bets early in the match.

Easy bets

Choosing the right bet type is crucial if you want to win money in gambling. Easy bets are those that have lower odds but have high chances of winning. However, you should avoid favoring easy bets because you might end up losing money. Instead, you should choose the bet that has the best odds and minimizes the risk of losing money. Listed below are the tips for choosing easy bets:

Zan Shen
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