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10 Insights on Supporting Your Child With Their Career Choice

10 Insights on Supporting Your Child With Their Career Choice


An individual’s choice of career is one of the biggest decisions they’ll ever make. Picking the right career can set the stage for a happier, more fulfilling life. Parents can play an instrumental part in guiding their children on the right career path. 

As with any type of parental guidance, you have the two extremes of being overbearing or neglectful. Whatever might be your approach, undoubtedly you will have a major impact on your children’s choices in some way. 

So what’s the right approach when it comes to giving your child direction on choosing their vocation? This article offers some useful insights along with dos and don’ts when advising your kids on finding their calling.

How you’re influencing your children

Start by becoming aware of how you’re already influencing your child in their career choices. These include:

  • Expectations - What are the expectations you’ve communicated, explicitly or implied, about your kids’ education and career?
  • Opportunities - What opportunities do you provide for your kids to learn and develop? For example, do you support them in extracurricular activities and courses that assist with their aspirations? Are you supporting them during university? Keep in mind that learning how to learn and awareness of the importance of lifelong learning could make your kids more successful in their professional lives, as they master how to take charge of their own development.
  • Example - Leading by example is a positive way to encourage your kids. What sort of example are you setting with your career path or approach to your work life?
  • Values - What are the values you demonstrate and reinforce in your family? These can involve community obligations, how you treat family and friends, and also your attitudes towards study and work.
  • Relationship - What’s your relationship with your children? Are you approachable and supportive when it comes to their learning needs and career aspirations?

As you grow your understanding of how you’re affecting your kids, you can make more conscious choices about what you say and how you behave. 

Strategies to help your children’s choices

Consider these strategies to help your kids in their choice of career and in achieving their vision.

1. Education

Ensure your kids receive the right education. Where possible, encourage and support them in getting as much education as possible. Not only will qualifications make them better qualified for their chosen career pathway, they can give them the knowledge and awareness to make a smarter choice about selecting their line of work. They could end up specialising in an area they love and be well paid for it.

2. Discover

Everyone has different natural aptitudes. Support your kids in exploring and discovering their talents, interests, and skills. These might not be an exact fit for their ultimate career path but they can inform their choice. Encourage older kids to see guidance counsellors at their school for more expert advice.

3. Knowledge

Share your knowledge of the workplace and how to find a career pathway. In the case of older kids, guide them on researching jobs, submitting applications, and interviewing. Make them aware of essential principles like gender equality and cultural diversity. Also, give them advice on more strategic topics like longer-term planning and goal-setting in their career. 

4. Skills

Foster relevant skills, such as decision-making skills, self-discovery, and confidence. These will help your kids be more self-sufficient, make a smart choice, and succeed in their working life.

5. Experience

Encourage your kids to undertake work experience and teach them how to navigate the workplace. Suggest they attend open days, careers fairs, and other helpful events. Where possible, help them network with potential mentors and discover more about different courses and vocations.

6. Avoid overinvolvement

Avoid excessive control and a dictating approach. Don’t force your personal goals onto your children. Show interest and concern but give them the freedom to choose. Give them space and time to make a decision, which could happen over many years. They could change their minds at some stage. If so, express your encouragement. 

Your role should allow your kids to discover their pathway, but they should feel comfortable coming to you for advice. In an ideal situation, your kids should feel supported by you whatever decision they make.

7. Start early

Begin the conversation early and encourage them to start exploring their interests. Have them start considering their ideal careers well before the last couple of years of high school. This gives them more time to plan and complete the right courses. 

8. Discipline

Guide your kids on developing discipline when it comes to their studies and working life. This includes completing homework on time or balancing social commitments and part-time jobs. 

9. Motivate

Find ways to motivate your kids to develop themselves and achieve their educational and career goals. These could involve gift rewards or words of encouragement. Foster self-belief, resilience, and confidence while ensuring they’re taking a realistic approach.

10. Personal responsibility

By the time your kids are in high school, you probably want to make them aware they’re now fully responsible for their own decisions. They’re the ones creating their career plan, albeit with your ongoing support.


All parents want the best for their children. However, if your child is too heavily influenced, they could end up in an occupation they’re not truly interested in. This could lead to frustration and dissatisfaction in their work. 

On the other hand, your guidance approach can save them from bad decisions. It can foster confidence and encourage them to find their personal path. By supporting your kids with balanced, informed guidance, you could give them the best chance of having satisfying careers, achieving financial stability, and enjoying a good quality of life.

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