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Requirement of Cartridge Filter in Water Treatment

Requirement of Cartridge Filter in Water Treatment

What is a Cartridge Filter?

A Cartridge Filter is filtration equipment that is in a tubular form and whose function is to remove contaminants such as unwanted particles, chemicals from liquids, and pollutants from the water. The Water Filter Cartridge is encased within a housing. These housings are made up of polypropylene whose property is to resist the growth of bacteria. In Pre-Filter Cartridge, filtration occurs through the mechanism of straining. The clear liquid passes through the center while particles get attached to the surface. RO Filter Cartridge can also be made of wound string, rigid foam, or pleated film.

How does the Cartridge filter work?

The water from the reservoir is pumped into the cartridge holder through the inlet. It passes through a cartridge filter. The filtration occurs through the mechanism of straining. The impurities get attached to the surface and the clear water passes through the center. The filtrate moves up and is collected through the outlet.

Types of Cartridge Filters

 Cartridge Filters are of two categories -

a) Surface filters

b)  Depth filters

Surface filters

Surface filters don’t let the contaminants enter through the medium by restricting them outside the filtered media. Surface filtration refers to the flow of fluid through a layer of material that restricts particles on the surface. The size of the particles restrained from entering the medium is higher than the mean pore size of the medium. Surface filters have a shorter shelf life and are comparatively cheaper. The mechanical strength of the filter medium is less but the mechanical strength of the filter medium is high since it is made of stainless steel.

Depth Filters

Depth filters work by trapping all the contaminants, pollutants, and solids within the media. Depth filtration refers to a thicker layer of media/or multiple layers that make a difficult path for the particles and restricts them from passing through. The size of particles is much smaller than the mean pore size of the medium. Contaminants get trapped while traveling through the depth filter. The pores in the filter get blocked and have to be cleaned using a reverse flow of fluid or replaced by a new medium. A depth filter, in comparison to the surface filter, has a longer shelf life but it is expensive. Mechanical strength of filter medium is high Example: String wound filter, Ceramic filter, and Sintered filters.

Cartridge Filter offered by Pearl Water

Slim Cartridge Filter

Slim Cartridge Filter is melt blown filter made up of high-quality Polypropylene having 90% sediment retention capacity. It also has a particle removal capacity of up to 5 microns from water. It is ideal for prefiltration to various water treatments for drinking purposes as well as effluent & sewage treatment.

Cartridge Filter 10 micron

This Cartridge Filter has a 10-micron rating. There is no need for backwashing. Since it doesn’t require backwashing, cartridge filters are extra energy-efficient as compared to sand filters. It conserves water which is its main feature and benefit. Cartridge filter has an exceptional cleaning feature that removes all the dust particles from it.

String wound cartridges filter

String wound cartridges filter has multiple layers of string wound tightly around a support core in diamond-shaped patterns to prevent the breakage of short fibers. As the water passes through the cartridge, the woven layers of string on the outer diameter filter out bigger sediment particles those greater than or equal to the micron rating.

Jumbo Cartridge Filter

Jumbo Cartridge Filter using the melt blown process, is made up of Polypropylene. It is able to retain upto 90% of sediments. It works through the process of mechanical filtration that stops the flow of suspended solids and eliminates the impurities of freshly filtered water. This filter is typically installed first before other water treatment systems like RO System to save costlier spares like Membranes.

Cartridge Filter 10 inch (Domestic)

This Cartridge Filter is a Domestic Cartridge Filter that is used in RO systems which can be found in homes, schools, offices, etc. It is a Pre-Filter that protects the other RO filters from getting stuck up by large and fine particles. It is made with a very supreme synthetic Micro-Fibre which is polypropylene. A Cartridge filter is able to remove all types of large and finer particles like sand, dirt, rust, etc from the water.

Application and Benefits of Cartridge Filter

·   The water filtered from Cartridge Filter is safe for drinking and tastes better as impurities get filtered out.

·   Filtered water flowing through the pipes will extend the life of the plumbing system.

·   It also lowers the costs of plumbing and appliance repairs.

·   RO Filter Cartridge helps to alleviate issues such as skin irritations and disorders by removing chlorine present in water.

·   Water Filter Cartridges are easy to maintain and construct and they also have great filter accuracy.

·   Pre Filter Cartridge benefits the smaller water system since they are less expensive.

When to replace a filter cartridge?

It is very important to know when to replace the cartridge filter. The cartridges come with a general guideline which is the number of days they will work based on their dirt holding capacity. The life of a cartridge filter also depends upon the concentration of contaminants in the liquid.


Cartridge Filters come in different categories depending on their requirement and filtration method. Water filter cartridges not only make drinking water safe but also are easy to maintain. They also alleviate issues like skin irritations and other disorders.

With benefits like these, cartridge filters are very useful for domestic as well as industrial purposes.

If you want to buy the best quality Cartridge Filter, then avail the best offer now and buy it from www.pearlwater.in

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