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Classification of Electrical Switches

USP Safety Switches
Classification of Electrical Switches

A switch is a device that is designed to interrupt the current flow in a circuit, in other words, it can make or break an electrical circuit. Every electrical and electronics application uses at least one switch to perform the ON and OFF operation of the device. Built to create an impact and deliver excellent performance, Electric switch electric switches are inventively designed to last long and augment your walls. Proximity detection is incorporated with the finest technology to provide top-notch quality, reliability, and longevity. Be it in design or performance, they provide you with the best modular switches for home, office as well as industrial use.

Foot Switches

Foot Switches are electro-mechanical devices used to control power in an electrical circuit by foot pressure. They are often used on machines where an operator needs his or her hands to stabilize a workpiece. Key specifications include the number of pedals, switching function, voltage rating, and current rating. Footswitches find use in many press applications where hand controls cannot be used to actuate a cycle. They are also commonly used in hospital equipment and office machines.

Level Switches

Level Switches are electro-mechanical devices used to detect the level of liquids, powders, or solids. They are mounted in tanks, hoppers, or bins, and can provide output to a control system. In some instances, they can be used to actuate a device directly, such as level switches used in residential sump pumps. Key specifications include measured media, output type, switch type, voltage and current ratings, and the materials used for the body, stem, and float. Level switches are used extensively in the process industries to monitor tank and hopper levels. They are used in everyday applications as well.

Limit Switches

Limit Switches are electro-mechanical devices designed to sense motion and position mechanically and provide output signals to a controller. They are available as bare switches, or in rugged enclosures intended for the tough environment of a factory floor. Key specifications include actuator type, voltage, and current ratings. A variety of actuator types from rods to whiskers ensures that any manner of machine, component, or workpieces can be sensed by a limit switch. Limit switches are used in many common consumer machines such as washing machines. In their ruggedized form, they are used in many types of manufacturing facilities such as steel mills and paper plants.

Magnetic Switches

Magnetic Switches, also known as reed switches, are a type of electrical switch in which the switch closure mechanism is operated by the presence or absence of a magnetic field. In a typical design, the switch contacts are normally open when a magnetic field is not near the switch, but then the contacts close to complete the circuit when the magnetic field is applied or when the switch is near a magnetic field from a permanent magnet or the coil of an energized relay. One application for magnetic switches is to detect the opening and closing of doors and windows as part of a security system.

So, the switches are part of a control system and without it, control operation cannot be achieved. A switch can perform two functions, namely fully ON (by closing its contacts) or fully OFF (by opening its contacts).

USP Safety Switches
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