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Cannabis Laboratory Equipment | AiVacuum | Rotary Evaporator | Sale Up to 20% Off

Cannabis Laboratory Equipment | AiVacuum | Rotary Evaporator | Sale Up to 20% Off

Ai Vacuum Ovens is dedicated to providing professional, laboratory-grade vacuum purge equipment to BHO extraction artists and companies. We are built on the very same foundations of our parent company, Across International, and share the same commitment to providing high-quality products and exceptional customer service.

Your 100% satisfaction is always our priority.

Over 30 Years of Expertise In Vacuum Purge Technologies

Across International is known for their specialization in heat treatment and material processing equipment. They are a well-established brand within their industry and have been providing high-quality laboratory equipment to various universities, research facilities, and laboratories for more than 30 years.

What is a Rotary Evaporator?

Rotary evaporators are essential tools used for evaporation, distillation, and solvent recovery. This process is commonly utilized to separate solvents with low boiling points, such as n-hexane or ethanol, from compounds with higher boiling points. By combining vacuum, heat, and rotation, a gentle and efficient method of distillation is created. Rotary evaporators provide optimal evaporation, with minimal heat and oxidative stress, because of this they are extremely popular in process chemistry as well as in botanical extraction.

UL and CSA Certification Now Standard!

The new Ai SolventVap rotary evaporator series are now UL/CSA compliant. This certification is required by many municipalities, it also provides a higher standard of equipment safety and conformity. In addition to new orders coming standard with UL/CSA, we can also provide retro-certification services for any Ai SolventVap (5L or larger) that is already in the field.

Across International is proud to offer these important certifications at a fraction of the cost as compared to other brands. Contact us today for a quote!


 Key features

  • High distillation rates
  • Easy to operate
  • Adapters allow for varying sized flasks
  • Optimize your package with larger ancillaries and advanced vacuum controllers  
  • UL/CSA certified, CE compliant



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