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Why You Should Buy Natural Or Handmade Soaps?

Why You Should Buy Natural Or Handmade Soaps?

Website: https://www.sudsnyc.com/

Why You Should Buy Natural Or Handmade Soaps?

Soap is a non-toxic cleanser that works great at removing dirt, oil, and grime from our skin. But did you know that we use soap for much more than simply washing? Soap is actually a great ingredient in home remedies for many different ailments. Here are just some of the ways that soaps can help us at home!

1. Soap helps remove eye infections

It’s no coincidence that you always find soap in bathrooms. A warm bath with a few drops of soap can eliminate many of the germs lurking on your face and eyes. Many people also use them before going swimming; they’re especially helpful for those suffering from swimmer's ear (an infection caused by bacteria that get trapped in hair follicles).

2. Soap helps clear up acne

Sodium lauryl sulfate, commonly referred to as SLS, is a surfactant used in making laundry detergent. When applied topically, it may help reduce the appearance of pimples and reduce inflammation. However, keep in mind that using harsh chemicals like bleach or harsh soaps can actually make your acne worse.

3. Soap helps control seborrheic dermatitis

This condition causes dry flakes to appear on the scalp. It’s usually associated with oily or greasy hair. If you have this problem, try washing your head with mild bar soap. Be sure to wash thoroughly without scrubbing at first. The gentle cleaning action of the Handmade Soaps removes excess oils and makes it easier to rinse off any dead skin cells.

4. Soap helps heal wounds

Many commercial wound dressings aren’t just irritating; they can also cause further damage to the delicate area. Try using a little bit of homemade soap instead. While not completely sterile, it does help prevent infection and promote healing by keeping the wound moist. It won't hurt either since it's non-toxic. In addition to being mild enough to cleanse the wound, it can even be soothingly cool.

5. Soap helps treat athlete’s foot

If you suffer from tineapedis, then don’t worry. You can easily prevent it from spreading if you regularly wash your feet with water mixed with a small amount of lukewarm or room-temperature baking soda. It helps cut down on the number of molds that thrive in damp environments.

Therefore, it will always be good to use Natural soap over artificial and synthetic ones. Many products available in the market claim that they are providing natural oils and soaps but in reality, they are not. 

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