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3 Ways You Can Protect Yourself Against Secondhand Smoke

Aurabeat Singapore (Lamch & Co Pte Ltd)
3 Ways You Can Protect Yourself Against Secondhand Smoke

Millions of people around the world are smoking. Many of them aren't even aware of the dangers and hazards associated with smoking. Those who are aware choose to indulge in their deadly habit inside their home. The sad news is, smoking affects your neighbour, and maybe even your household member.

Involuntary exposure to the deadly substance of cigarettes and tobacco become a source for other illnesses and health concerns. Using an air ionizer or investing in a quality air filter in Singapore can help. Here are some strategies to help counter and protect yourself from second-hand smoke.

1. Make smoking inside your home prohibited.

Secondhand smoke doesn't completely go away when you open the windows or even purchase the latest or the best air purifier in Singapore. Having an air purifier and a well-ventilated home significantly reduces the impact of secondhand smoke. A reduction does not protect you from disease. But what kills off second-hand smoke is prohibition.

2. If you're outdoors, select areas that are 'smoke-free.'

From healthcare facilities to public parks and restaurants, one easy way you can protect yourself from secondhand smoke is by going to smoke-free zones. Some areas may use air filters to ensure that the air particulates you inhale are free from harmful chemicals from cigarettes and tobacco. If you're going to one place or another, such as your friend's home, you can invest in a portable air purifier in Singapore.

3. Help and guide a household family member or a friend by giving them the advice to quit.

While you can invest in a mini air purifier in Singapore for your home and not boot your friend or family who uncontrollably smokes, offering help and guidance is the best way you can do it for them. Some may not yet realise the danger and risks of smoking until it is too late.

If you are looking for an air ionizer in Singapore, visit Aurabeat for more product info.

Resource: https://sites.google.com/view/aurabeat-singapore-lamch-co-pt/infographics

Aurabeat Singapore (Lamch & Co Pte Ltd)
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