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7-must have features to make a successful eCommerce website

Grace Themes
7-must have features to make a successful eCommerce website

An amateur faces difficulty when it comes to the eCommerce business. As the website launching has become easier daily, there is a considerable rise in public expectations too. But WordPress is at the top when it comes to website themes. As per the report, eCommerce WordPress themes are 35+ in number in 2022. They expect the site to be mobile-friendly, have smooth navigation, and an on-point search engine.


Let’s dive deep into seven must-have features to make a successful eCommerce website. This blog includes precise information on ‘How to develop an eCommerce site and make it successful.


Site Navigation:

Every user needs smooth navigation. A website with a breadcrumb trail is a super navigation site thing. These aids tell the people where they are on your site and help Google maintain your site structure.

Breadcrumbs simplify the users’ navigation throughout the site to move between the product catalog and the Homepage. The site should be able to run on Mobile as smoothly as it runs on the website.


User-friendly Catalog:

Product visibility is the second must-have feature’ to hold people and shop more on your site. The way you categorize the products and navigation involved in that click is all that matters. The Menu should load text, images, and graphic elements with a layout. Get one of the reputable themes from eCommerce WordPress themes. These steps make it the customer easy to click on what interests them.


Site search & filtering:

Are you unable to get the exact search item by searching on your favorite site search engine? Customer opens and searches for it because they see it somewhere and they like it. So they search it from your site search engine expecting the exact item to display. As simple as that.


In the Menu, categorize the products based on their variety and make it easy for them to view. If the search engine with an AI-artificial intelligence, it is even better.


Well-designed cart:

A shopping cart is where customers checkout, add promo codes, add or delete product quantity, re-visit the product details, etc. Usually, A shopping cart in an eCommerce website is with a simple layout and vital features.


Optimizing the cart with an email option to remind the customers that they can check out through email is the most effortless thing ever.


Easy check out & secure payment options:

Secure Payment options are the most fundamental and must-have feature in an eCommerce website. For example, now everyone can pay through UPI, Debit card, or a credit card. But some see COD (cash-on-delivery) for security reasons. Providing various payment options gives a choice to customers to choose one based on their preference.


Customized CTA:

Customized, which means a tailor-made call to action (CTA) is a crucial part of an eCommerce site. A CTA on every page allows customers to land on your conversion spot. Optimize your CTA to get conversions.



Product reviews through pictures, text, or videos work well to gain customer trust. Under the product details, placing the reviews of the customers who purchased the product earlier is a good way to connect with the users. Customer feedback can be seen on the Homepage with the engaging eCommerce WordPress theme. eCommerce WordPress theme with a well-designed layout offers you all the necessary options to be included.


Mobile Application:

All the reputed websites and small businesses are now creating mobile applications, as most of the customers are on their phones all the time. They do shopping, search for reviews, and share their favorite product through mobile applications. It is essential to have an app to shop. By downloading the application, there is a chance to make use of offers, promo codes, etc.


To summarize:


Building an eCommerce website always relies on your business budget and purpose. However, including all these seven features will give you a remarkable customer experience and an idea to enhance.


Easy-to-use navigation is an essential feature. Your business might be service or product-oriented - the only thing it should provide is, value to the customer, then it eventually directs to growth. 

Grace Themes
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