AI Products 

How Dunzo Works and its Business Model?

Abservetech Private Limited
How Dunzo Works and its Business Model?

Dunzo is an Indian company that couriers delivery company app that delivers essentials and groceries, vegetables, fruits, meat, food & medicines in primary cities. It also has a split service to deliver and pick up packages within cities.

It was founded in July 2014 by Kabeer Biswas. It raised the funding of US$650k in March 2016.

Features of Dunzo App:

- Easy payment gateway options

- Combine with social media

- Reviews

- Place orders comfortably

- Tracking in real-time

- Cashbacks and discounts

How does Dunzo Generate its Revenue?

- Delivery Fee

- Commissions

- Offer Services

- Other Categories (Request within the companies)

How Does Dunzo Work?

Dunzo is an on-demand multi-sided delivery service app. By Collecting a small delivery fee, Dunzo delivers all kinds of things to its users. 

For example, if you forget your mobile phone in your home ‘Dunzo’ helps to get them back to your place.

- Customer register the app

- Users need to send the product from one place to another in the same city. They can use the app

- Dunzo person will come and pick up the products & charge a small fee

Business Model of Dunzo:

Dunzo performs through a website and an app. It allows on-demand delivery services in the market. It can deliver & pick up the products like food, groceries, medicines, pet products, gifts, health and wellness, pick and drop, laundry delivery, and different categories.

Customers have the option to order anything and everything as they like and the Dunzo delivery partners deliver the product ordered through the app. Some examples here, Food, Medicines, Groceries, pet products, etc. 

Any purchases to be made, the customers can use the chatbox, send applicable images of the product, and coordinate for that reason. It also provides digital payment options.

If you are thinking of startup a business like a courier delivery service app, your business will boost and chance to grow.

If you wish to start an online grocery delivery business, You can use a ready-made grocery delivery script from an product development company.

Thanks for reading this answer!

Good luck!

Abservetech Private Limited
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