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Enhance Your Building’s Weather Protection and Efficiency with Use of PUF Insulated Sandwich Panels

EPACK Prefab
Enhance Your Building’s Weather Protection and Efficiency with Use of PUF Insulated Sandwich Panels

Structural cladding refers to the exterior skin or enveloping on any enclosure and is primarily intended to enable a safe barrier for the interiors against outdoor elements such as weather, chemicals or noise. These building elements also help improve the architectural aesthetics of a structure.

Alongside serving the purpose of safeguarding building interiors from harsh weather conditions, these cladding systems are also designed to ensure optimum fire resistance and protection from physical impact thus helping ensure optimum longevity of the structure.    

Composite sandwich envelop cladding in the form of PUF insulated sandwich optimum sound as well as thermal insulation helping enhance the overall ergonomic and energy efficiency performance of any building.     

Polyurethane foam Insulated Panels for optimum weather protection and energy efficient performance


As one of the major components or materials utilized for insulation of buildings and structures, Polyurethane Foam can be tailored in order to suffice varying insulation performance requirements along with myriad scopes of structural rigidity. Polyurethane Foam features optimum density making it an ideal choice of insulation against heat, cold or noise as well.

The building cladding panels are suitable for use in temperatures ranging from 200°C to +110°C. Such an extensive range of thermal performance makes them safe and ideal for extreme hot as well as extreme cold weather alongside furnishing optimum fire resistant performance features as well.

Safeguard your buildings from extreme weather and maintain optimum safety against harsh environmental conditions       

A sandwich insulated composite panel can be manufactured into PUF sandwich roofing sheets, wall cladding envelops, ceiling panel sheets, exterior wall panels or interior wall partitions as well. EPACK Prefab is accoladed to be a leading PUF insulated sandwich offering state of the art systems which are very durable yet lightweight, easy to install, eco-friendly to operate as well as aesthetically pleasing.     


Twin flat metal sheet layers encasing Polyurethane Foam material for a PUF sandwich panel. Such a composite construction gives these panels enhanced structural rigidity along with superlative thermal insulation properties. These panels can resist varying temperatures and being moisture resistant, prove to be effective for weatherproofing buildings. Thus, their use in safeguarding interiors against harsh environmental and weather conditions is highly recommended by engineers.  


The utilization scopes of PUF insulated sandwich panels stretches beyond structural cladding or thermal insulation utilities as these can be used as false ceilings and in commercial infrastructure as well.

Properties of sandwich PUF insulated panel sheets    

PUF sandwich panels envelops features supreme durability and lightweight construction. along with their aesthetic finishing options, these panels deliver the following unique features -  

  • Very low thermal conductivity values thus helping ensure optimum temperature retention and insulation     
  • Negligible water permeability and complete moisture resistance
  • Environmentally friendly products free from CFCs     
  • Best extreme temperature performance advantages
  • Ideal insulation and strength even with minimal thickness so as to help save material costs  
  • Anti-bacterial panel solutions in the form of PUF sandwich roofing sheets help prevent corrosion or termite damage thus enhancing product longevity    
  • Lightweight panels make for easy and swift installation     
  • Availability in myriad finishing options is key to achieve enhanced building aesthetics      
  • Complete UV and infrared rays protection ensures that these panels deliver unparalleled standards of longevity   
  • These panels are 100% recyclable, reusable and relocatable   

EPACK Prefab is a leader in its segment of manufacture of PUF insulated sandwich panels and deliver state of the art building envelop solutions renowned for their performance and safety features.    

EPACK Prefab
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