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The Re-Opening Of The Aussie Economy - What This Really Means

Money and Investing

Re-opening of the Aussie economy: As Corona cases fall, the prospect of re-opening the Aussie economy edges closer day by day. So the question arises – what will life really look like? Most Aussies have dreamt about walking into a crowded pub or attending a music concert – but the fact is our reality will be very different. Here’s why:

What ‘opening’ the economy really means

As restrictions ease and the cases of COVID-19 continue to plummet. More people are beginning to go outside, but how will businesses open when so many Aussies are struggling to make ends meet?

What kind of restrictions will we have to comply with when sitting at a restaurant or heading to the gym?

Host Andrew Baxter assures us that life will differ from what we are to, GDP continues to contract. The fact is – the light switch doesn’t just turn back on and everything goes back to normal.

A consumer driven market is coming

As businesses begin to re-open after their revenue has been sucked dry, we’re inevitably heading towards a consumer-driven market. For the consumer this’s great news given, they have more bargaining power.

So, what does this exactly mean? Quite simply, for the consumer –more opportunities if you’re responsible to manage your money.

For businesses, the issue will be 3-6 months down the track when they have offered heavy discounts to reap in some cash flow. The margins will struggle in the near future despite offering their service at cheaper prices.

The economy and the stock market

There’s no doubt that the stock market, amidst the full effect of the COVID-19. We saw a massive sell-off which resulted in many investors losing over 50% of their investments in some cases. Now, the ASX has recovered to have its best Month (being April) in the last 33 years.

Many of Andrew’s clients at Australian Investment Education have been riding the wave and have managed to generate supernormal returns.

Moving forward, host Andrew Baxter thinks the re-opening of the Aussie economy could mean another leg down in this market as the grim reality of what life really looks like. Maybe our market may not crash like it has in March, however, the fact, is investors are going to need some skill to steward themselves through what is to come.

How to make the most out of your investing

The need to have a side-hustle or additional income has never been more necessary in this current cash flow crunch. The economy may be re-opening, and you may go back to work, however, you’re going to need more to get ahead again. It’s those who are willing to learn and upskill themselves to trade in the financial markets that are setting themselves up for success – generating cash flow in this once-in-a-lifetime market.

Don’t try and go alone – let’s help you to generate up-front and immediate cash flow through the stock market.

The moral of the story is, enjoy the luxuries of the economy going back to normal – maybe even snag a few deals – but ensure to do your part in securing your financial future for the long-term.

Money and Investing
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