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Best CBSE-affiliated School for Online Admission to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Class

Best CBSE-affiliated School for Online Admission to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th Class

If you are a little worried about the admission of your child to a higher or senior secondary class, such as 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th class in a CBSE-affiliated school, then you ought to be looking for one of the best schools renowned for offering high-quality education. Since getting admission to a school involves a lengthy and often a little cumbersome admission process, parents find it difficult to ensure that they are able to apply for each of these schools because it involves going to the school physically for admission.

In the current scenario, especially when you are looking for a good school affiliated with the CBSE curriculum, you very much look forward to those schools that follow online admission procedures to help you apply for admission quickly and efficiently without having to go to the school physically. Furthermore, this also allows you to apply for admission to various schools in your neighbourhood at the same time. Lately, you would have avoided applying for admission to various good schools in and around you because it required a lengthy and cumbersome admission process further requiring physical presence for form and document submission. Hence CBSE-affiliated schools offering online admission to 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th classes are among the schools you might want to choose for admission to your ward.

Since NEP 2020 has recently been implemented, bringing a paradigm shift in the education system, some parents are often curious about whether the school they are looking for their child has already implemented the new education policy or not. This new education policy offers a lot of promises with numerous changes in the current education system to pave way for better education which is based on varying degrees of competency than just academic grades. 

So, if you are searching for any such CBSE school that offers online admission to 11th or 12th or any other higher or senior secondary class and one that has also implemented NEP 2020, then Cambridge School Srinivaspuri, Delhi, is one of the best schools around. It offers a seamless online admission process for admission to various higher and senior secondary classes. 


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