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Mortgage Brokers Always Have The Best Contacts

Wisebuy Investment Group
Mortgage Brokers Always Have The Best Contacts

The mortgage brokers Newcastle in New South Wales (NSW) are successful because they are networked. For a mortgage broker to be really good they have had to work hard. They have taken the time and effort to get to know all the banks and the money lending institutions. They have networked and they have gone out of their way to meet the people who work in the mortgage departments. They know phone numbers and they have contacts. They also know, through experience, which banks or money lending institutions are more likely to offer a mortgage than not. And they know who is open to negotiation on interest rates.

Mortgage brokers and finances

Real estate agents and mortgage brokers work well together because it is in both of their interests to do so. A real estate agent will only get commission from a house sale if the mortgage is approved, unless the buyer is paying cash. The mortgage broker makes commission from the bank or money lending institution, so they too want the mortgage to be approved. And the buyer needs both the real estate agent, who they pay a fee too, and the mortgage broker, who they do not pay a fee too, in order to secure their house deal. Estate agents and mortgage brokers often give similar advice, or so they should, but they handle different aspects of the house sale.

Mortgage calculations

What is a reasonable mortgage? Well, it all depends on the salary that you earn or the combined salaries that you and your partner earn, and it all depends on the stability of your jobs. A mortgage broker has a mortgage calculator. They can work out for you, based on your salary or salaries, and based on the deposit that you are able to put down, how much you should be paying per month and over how long you should be paying it for. Nobody wants to put you in a position where you cannot pay your mortgage because that means you risk losing your home. A mortgage calculator helps the agent or broker work out the maximum you should be paying, per month, or the maximum you can afford to pay per month.

Apply for a reasonable mortgage

A mortgage broker will be the first person to tell you to apply for a reasonable mortgage. They are not going to suggest you buy a ten bedroomed mansion if you are just starting out in the business world. They may suggest a more modest two bedroom apartment! Be reasonable, although go after the home of your dreams, and don’t take risks. You have plenty of time for the mansion. Start small and work your way up the property market. The mortgage brokers Newcastle NSW know the market in Newcastle and will always give you sound guidance and sound advice.

Wisebuy Investment Group
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