SteelKiwi has a lot of experience in medical mobile app development. eHealth is an area that has seen a great deal of investment over the last couple of years, with medical e-products popping up left and right. To make sense of this growingmhealth app market, we’ll be publishing a series of articles featuring top-notch mHealth applications across a number of categories.
This article, the first in our series of mobile healthcare product reviews, focuses on the doctor on demand app development.
Doctor-on-demand apps let users contact medical professionals anywhere and at any time via text or video chat through their smartphones. These apps save time otherwise spent getting to the hospital or doctor’s office and waiting in line and generally make healthcare more affordable.
You may also like: Healthcare Mobile App Development for Doctors
Types of doctor on demand apps
There are two types of doctor-on-demand apps: online hospitals and medical chat platforms. The first type focuses on offering the advice of medical professionals, the second on offering a space for communication. In this article, we’ll cover five applications of both types in no particular order. These are just the applications that we found to be the best health apps. Once you learn more about them, you’ll quickly proceed tocustom mhealth app development.
In medicine, innovations are always perceived with caution, because we are dealing with people's lives and health. Therefore, doctors are often skeptical about everything that does not fit into the usual pattern of diagnostics and treatment, and solutions such as medical apps for doctors cannot always be trusted as well. To help you overcome your dilemma, we have analized the market and created this article. The first in our series of mobile healthcare product reviews, focuses on the doctor on demand app development
Read more - mHealth Apps