Depression Treatment Retreats Australia offers a holistic, drug-free approach to recovery from acute and chronic depression. Our retreats are designed to provide you with the necessary space, focus, and energy for healing.
During your stay, you will enjoy a comfortable bed in one of our picturesque cottages surrounded by beautiful gardens. You will have unhurried weekly sessions with one of our professional therapists who are experienced in treating depression. We also emphasize the importance of developing healthy eating and exercise habits, which are an important part of your overall recovery.
If you have exhausted all other treatments and would like to try a natural approach to healing depression, we invite you to contact us. We aim to create an environment where people can experience a sense of belonging, acceptance and empowerment — the foundations for living a happy, healthy and meaningful life. Depression Treatment Retreats Australia is a registered charity. Our head office is located in Port Fairy, Victoria.
As well as the weekly sessions via video-link with one of our professional therapists, each retreat participant will receive 4 hours of personalised therapy per week face-to-face with a dedicated therapist based in their region.
The cost for our two-week treatment program includes accommodation, daily meals and comprehensive group and individual therapies. The cost for a single week's residential treatment program is $3,000 Australian dollars (approximately US$2,300) for the first person, $2,500 for the second person and $2,000 ($1,700) for the third person. Taxes are payable on allowance received on foreign currency basis.
For details of all our retreats and packages offered click here.
Depression Treatment Retreats are available in Australia, Denmark, England and Ireland at various times throughout the year to individuals and couples.