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Is SEO Better Than Google Ads (PPC)? A Logical Answer!

SF Digital Studios
Is SEO Better Than Google Ads (PPC)? A Logical Answer!

A lot of marketers have this question in mind regarding SEO vs Google Ads, which one is better? This question is the same as asking if a PC than Mac or Nikon is better than Cannon. Nevertheless, SEO and Google Ads both require you to invest your resources to get fruitful results.

Marketers want to know whether they should focus on Google Ads or SEO. We will give you an insight into it so you can have a better idea. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.

SEO Vs Google Ads: Which Is Better?

Both SEO and Google Ads play a critical role for your brand, and you need to do both. One thing you need to note is that SEO doesn’t have any impact on Google Ads and vice versa. Google tends to make money through clicks since a significant portion of its revenue comes from Google Ads.

Most of its products, such as Gmail, Data Studio, etc. are free to use for individuals. They are giving these products for free to build their brand while getting a massive chunk of their revenue from Google Ads. 

When you search for anything on your desktop or mobile, you’ll notice that the first four suggestions will be ads, then Google Maps, and lastly, the organic ranking. There is a good chance your mobile phone will display various ads, and you are likely going to click on them rather than scrolling down.

Optimal Marketing Strategy

Our business’s marketing strategy entails SEO and Google Ads, especially video SEO, which many people don’t know. Take the example in our video, where we searched for the keyword “Learn Google Ads 2022” and you’ll see the first four search recommendations are Google Ads.

Next, you can see that seven videos are showing up for this keyword and then the organic rankings. It shows the importance of video SEO and how it can help you rank your business in the top searches. Sites like Udemy are also showing up because they have a website with higher authority.

As a business owner, it is almost impossible to compete with sites like Udemy due to their high credibility. But, guess what? The video SEO gives a competitive advantage since our videos can show up above sites like Udemy. So, you can either go for one of the options.

Our strategy allows us to get a good ranking for various keywords. We are not just in the top position on Google results but also on YouTube organically. Therefore, it allows you to engage your potential audience in a much better way.

However, this is not something you can achieve easily since there is a lot of hard work that goes behind it. Take an example of this live stream, which will be cut into small videos and will be posted to the internet with the relevant description in SEO. After a lot of effort, they will start to show up on Google.

Final Word

Getting into the top Google ranking does not mean you put a video, and it will appear on the first page instantly. It requires you to do proper SEO with Google Ads to ensure you grab your target audience’s attention. Again, you need to keep in mind that it is not free and requires you to invest your resources.

You would have to invest your time and money into SEO to get into the top ranking. Then, you can run the Google Ads, and most ads we run are through YouTube. So, you can try out the same strategy to ensure you get optimal returns on your marketing efforts.

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