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Cross chain bridge development

Cross chain bridge development

Best Smart Contract Platforms

These are the main smart contract development platforms you should know about:


Ethereum is a decentralized platform that allows you to run smart contracts. Unlike Bitcoin’s Turing-complete scripting system, Ethereum has created Turing-complete languages ​​such as Serpent, Solidity, Low-level Lisp-like Language to serve non-cryptocurrency user applications.

Ethereum converts the Solidity, smart contracts into machine code, which is then uploaded to the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) and executed. Ethereum smart contracts, on the other hand, have an account-based data format where each participant is recognized by their digital wallet.

PoW to Proof of Stake (PoS). This was always the intention, as it is an essential component of the community’s plan to grow Ethereum through Eth2 upgrades. To reward miners for the cost of solving problems, Ether (ETH) is used instead of Bitcoin (BTC). In other words, the gas acts as an internal charge for completing a transaction to offset the volatile value of ETH.

Informally, the total cost of a transaction can be estimated using the formula gas cap*gas price, where gas cap refers to the maximum amount of gas that can be used to build a block and the gas price refers to the cost of a unit of gas (in ETH).

Users can spend varying amounts of gas so that their transactions are confirmed sooner or later (ie a large amount of gas results in a quick confirmation). Because PoW is computationally demanding, you can waste a lot of energy on mindless block mining jobs. It is expected if the mining process is used for valuable activities, such as helping with math puzzles and performing machine learning tasks.

Hyper ledger Fabric

Unlike Ethereum, which uses virtual machines (VMs) to run smart contracts (i.e. EVMs), the Hyper ledger Fabric smart contract uses a Docker container to run code. Unlike virtual machines, containers can enable smart contract applications at low cost without compromising isolation (that is, applications in a container run on top of an operating system).

The Linux Foundation oversees the Hyper ledger Fabric project. However, they received significant investment from IBM. Fabric enables traditional high-level programming languages ​​like Java and Go instead of building Ethereum (also known as smart contract languages.

The Fabric blockchain network is permissioned (private or consortium) because it suits broad enterprise applications. Certificate Authorities (CAs) must approve users before they join the network. Multiple types of CAs coexist in the network because various responsibilities are played. Enrollment Certificate Authority, for example, allows users to sign up with blockchains. In addition, the user must search for transaction certificates from the transaction certification authority after registration. Within the permissioned blockchain network, consensus can be quickly obtained.


Unlike Ethereum, which has a wide range of uses, Corda focuses on digital currency applications. It is a distributed ledger platform for storing and processing digital asset data from the past. But does Corda support smart contracts? Corda smart contracts run on top of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and use high-level programming languages ​​such as Java and Kotlin. Meanwhile, to allow for verifiability, Corda is Turing incomplete. Also, Corda’s data model is a transaction-based approach.

Corda is frequently used to enable private platforms, where companies create their network to securely exchange digital assets.

Build a cross chain bridge fault-tolerant ordering service that operates on a “leader and follower” basis, with an elected leader node (per channel) and followers that replicate its decisions. CFT adds a layer of robustness to the protocol, allowing the algorithm to continue the process and establish an agreement even if individual components fail.

The selection of a leader, the replication of records and the guarantee of security are ways to create consensus in Raft. Corda uses a peer-to-peer messaging system instead of global blockchain transmission. The recipients of the message and the particular information to be transmitted must be specified by the users.

It is a simpler and more accessible cryptocurrency than Ethereum. Stellar, on the other hand, can support a wide range of languages, including Python, JavaScript, Golang, and PHP. But does Stellar have a smart contract?

Yes, Stellar supports smart contracts, but Stellar contracts are not Turing complete, so how do you create a Stellar smart contract? A Stellar smart contract is a collection of connected and executed transactions that use various constraints and is designed to send, store, and exchange value.

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