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How to Resolve QuickBooks Error 6143?

How to Resolve QuickBooks Error 6143?

Want to know the steps to fix QuickBooks error code 6143 and don’t know the right steps? If yes, then reading this post till the end will surely help. QuickBooks error code 6143 is usually seen when there is any malfunction in the company files. The user can also experience this issue due to corrupted system files. If the user has not completely installed or the installed software is damaged, such an error might appear. To unleash the causes and fixes of this error, the user is recommended to go read the post till the end. Or you can also speak to our qualified QuickBooks consultants, who would guide you through the exact process to fix the issue immediately. Ring up at our customer support number +1(844)405-0907, and let our team help you out.

Possible causes of QuickBooks error 6143

The following can be the factors causing such an error in QuickBooks:

•       One of the basic causes can be if there is damage in windows system files

•       Another reason can be the windows system files have been deleted, or corrupted entries

•       Any sort of malware infection can end up in such an error

•       In case the application or the hardware is installed incorrectly, such an error could be seen

•       Another issue can be, that if the file or information is missing for the operation, then this error can be seen. 

See Also: QuickBooks error code 2002

Steps to get rid of QuickBooks error 6143

Getting rid of QuickBooks error code 6143 becomes easy, once you perform the steps to open the company file locally. This will allow the users to test if there is any error with the location of the company file and in case the company file opens when it is saved on the desktop, then it would indicate that the location is damaged. However, if the user is unable to open the file even after changing the location, then it would indicate that the file itself is damaged. To perform this process, the user can make use of the below steps:

•       The very first step is to open the folder having the company file

•       Once done with that, the user should find the file that has the extension of

•       And also, right click the file

•       The user should then head to the copy tab

•       And move to the desktop

•       Once done with that right click the desktop

•       The user is then required to click on paste tab

•       Followed by opening QuickBooks

•       Once done with that, move to the no company open window

•       And also select open or restore an existing company

•       The last step is to move to close all QuickBooks processes

We conclude this post with the hope that the steps listed above might help in resolving the error code 6143 successfully and it is believed that the information might have turned helpful to you. If you need our experts to resolve the error on your behalf even after reading the post above, then you can simply make a call to our tech-savvy professionals at +1(844)405-0907. We are a team of certified QuickBooks professionals who work round the clock in providing immediate support and assistance. 

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