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Wood Deck vs Composite Deck: Which One is better for you?

Dream Home Improvement LLC
Wood Deck vs Composite Deck: Which One is better for you?

A well-built deck may provide a beautiful and appealing appearance to the exterior of your home. It increases the value of your home and gives more space for hosting parties and family gatherings. So, if you've decided to design a deck, you'll undoubtedly consider a variety of styles. One of the most difficult decisions you will have to make when you plan your ideal deck is which type of decking to use. Wood and composite decking are two of the most popular choices.

Wood Decking Options

There are numerous wood species available on the market that can be used as the foundation material for decking and railing. The most frequent options in the Cape Cod deck builders community include cedar, redwood, and pressure-treated pine lumber. Homeowners who are interested in high-end timber species. They have the option of exotic hardwood decking, such as tigerwood and mahogany.

Composite Decking Options

Wood-plastic composite decking, commonly known as "composite wood decking," was invented in the late 1980s and is constructed of wood fibres coated in plastic. Composite decking is a popular decking material, and more builders and homeowners are becoming aware of wood decking issues. Having a high-performance composite decking is the new trend.

See which one is better option between wood deck vs composite deck.

Many property owners like wood decking because it is popular, readily available, and relatively inexpensive. Simultaneously, wood decking concerns such as breakage, rotting, and high maintenance costs cause a variety of issues. Composite decking, on the other hand, is easier to maintain. The main difficulty is that some homeowners believe composites will not look as good as wood. This is also no longer a concern because technological manufacturing has created materials that mimic the rich appearance. You can achieve the natural appearance of wood without the hassle of maintaining a wood deck.

Dream Home Improvement LLC
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