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6 Preschool Cognitive Development Activities Parents Should Practice With Their Young Ones

6 Preschool Cognitive Development Activities Parents Should Practice With Their Young Ones

Parents often rely on preschool teachers to teach their children basic skills. But going to school for the first time can be scary for young minds, as they may experience confusion and frustration with a sudden change in their routine. 

Since teachers focus on cognitive development in preschool children, such as memory, attention, language abilities, decision-making, and more, massive amounts of new information can also be an overwhelming experience for them. 

The good news is parents can make the transition smooth and comfortable for their little ones by practicing preschool cognitive development activities at home.

Here we have put together easy-to-follow cognitive development activities parents can incorporate into their child’s everyday routine before enrolling them in preschool. 


Signing a song is a great activity for children as it helps them memorize words and lines. Play their favorite songs or rhymes regularly and sing along. The practice increases a child’s engagement, improves attention span, and aids in word recognition and memory development. 

Hide And Find Objects

Hide objects under a blanket or a towel and ask your child to point them out. The activity enhances visual and short-term memory and improves their ability to form mental images when they can’t see an object directly. Playing with everyday objects also arouses curiosity in toddlers about their usage and helps them discover the world around them. 

Pick One

Parents can help their little ones become more confident and self-sufficient with everyday tasks. Give your toddler choices and let them decide what they want to wear, eat, play, or do. The practice will help them think about their choices and likes, make confident decisions, learn to solve problems, and understand their surroundings better. 

Practice Art And Crafts

Children observe their elders and try to imitate them. Rather than asking your toddler to color or paint, sit with them and do the same. Purchase child-safe art supplies such as chalk, crayons, fingerpaints, playdough, and more, and create art projects together. The activity opens their world of imagination, improves concentration, and enhances eye-hand coordination. 

Play Outside

Like grown-ups, children get distracted by smart devices at home. Consider keeping your gadgets aside and playing with your toddlers in the yard or at the park. It will increase their attention span, stimulate curiosity, and familiarize them with the world around them. You can also take them on trips to local museums, zoos, farmer’s markets, libraries, and more and ask about their experiences.

Read Stories

Reading out loud to toddlers is a brilliant way to improve their vocabulary and language skills. It also helps young children learn the sounds of words and use them to create sentences. Establishing a routine to read before bed is advisable if you want your toddler to become a better reader in the future. 

Both parents and teachers play a vital role in a preschooler’s cognitive development. Practice these easy-to-follow, fun activities daily with your child at home to encourage cognitive development and help them make a smooth transition to preschool. 

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