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Vastu Tips for the placement of Hindu God

The Advitya
Vastu Tips for the placement of Hindu God

Vastu is a Hindu belief system that focuses on creating harmony between man and nature. The idea behind vastu is that certain areas of our homes or offices should be aligned with the principles of Vastu.

 Vastu is an ancient Indian architectural philosophy rooted in Vedic astrology. Metal statue manufacturer in India states that Vastu was developed over thousands of years by sages who believed that the universe had a purpose and needed to be harmonized with humans.

Here are some basic rules for placing Hindu Gods and Goddesses in your home.

1. Place Lord Ganesha facing east (East)

 Lord Ganesha is the first Hindu god who is believed to have been born out of his mother's head. He is considered to be the remover of obstacles and the destroyer of evil. His elephant head represents wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence. To remove any hindrance or obstacle, he should be placed facing East.

 2. Place Lord Shiva facing North (North)

 Shiva is the second Hindu god who is believed to have been born out of his father's forehead, Brahma. He is considered to represent the power of creation and destruction. To destroy anything negative, he should be placed in the North direction.

 3. Place Lord Vishnu facing South (South)

According to the metal Pooja essentials manufacturers in India, Vishnu is the third Hindu god who is believed to have been born out of the navel of his father, Brahma, and is considered to represent the preservation of good things. To preserve anything positive, he should be placed south.

 4. Place Lord Krishna facing West (West)

 Krishna is the fourth Hindu god who is believed to be born out of his father's heart, Brahma, and is considered to represent goodness and love. To bring about positivity, he should be placed west.

 5. Place Lord Rama facing east (East)

 Rama is the fifth Hindu god who is believed born out of the head of his father, Brahma, at birth. He is considered to symbolize purity and justice. To achieve these qualities, he should be placed east.

 6. Place Lord Buddha facing North (North)

Buddha is the sixth Hindu god who is believed to be born out of the forehead and shoulders of his father, Brahma, in the womb of his mother, Maya. He is considered to stand for enlightenment and compassion. To attain enlightenment, he should be placed north.

 7. Place Lord Hanuman facing South (South)

 Hanuman is the seventh Hindu god who is believed who was born out of the chest of his father, Vayu. He is considered to signify courage and devotion. To gain courage, he should be placed south.

Also, the position of the idol in the room must be considered. If the idol is in the northeast direction, then the right side is beneficial and vice-versa. The height at which the idol is placed must be such that the head is higher than the shoulders. This is important to get positive vibrations. The materials of the idol must be considered while purchasing it. The setting of the idol must also be considered. According to brass murti manufacturer in Delhi, the idol can be placed in four directions, and the most suitable one must be chosen. 

The Advitya
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