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Introduction to Cyber Security Certification.

Pankaj Nagla
Introduction to Cyber Security Certification.

Cybersecurity checking began in the 1970s when researcher Bob Thomas produced a computer software called Creeper that could traverse across ARPANET's network

Cybersecurity is the defense against cyber attackers of systems connected to the Internet, including their hardware, software, and data. It's primarily about people, processes, and technologies working together to encompass the total range of threat reduction, vulnerability reduction, deterrence, international engagement, and recovery policies and activities, including computer network operations, information assurance, law enforcement, etc. Cyber Security Certification provides basic and advanced concepts of Cyber Security technology. The most well-known ideas in cyber security will be covered, including what it is, its objectives, the many kinds of cyberattacks and cyber assailants, policies, digital signatures, etc.

Cybersecurity is a set of rules and procedures created to safeguard our online data and computing resources from dangers.

It is the collection of methods, procedures, and technologies used to safeguard computers, devices, software, and data against intrusion, theft, damage, alteration, and unauthorized. As a result, it is also sometimes referred to as information technology security.

The assets of every organization are the fusions of many different systems. These systems need to work together to maintain a solid cybersecurity posture across all of their systems. Therefore, the following subdomains can be used to classify cybersecurity:

Network security is the process of putting in place the necessary hardware and software to protect a computer network from misuse, unauthorized access, intrusion, attacks, and interruption. A company can use this security to safeguard its assets from both internal and external threats.

Application security involves defending software and hardware against malicious threats. The apps are frequently updated as part of this defense to keep them safe from threats.

Information or Data Security involves implementing a strong data storage mechanism to maintain the integrity and privacy of data, both in storage and in transit.

Identity management deals with the procedure for determining the extent of access that every individual has within an organization.

Operational Security involves processing and making decisions on handling and securing data assets.

Mobile Security involves securing the organizational and personal data stored on mobile devices like cell phones, computers, tablets, and other similar devices against various malicious threats. These dangers include malware, unauthorized access, device loss or theft, etc.

Cloud Security involves protecting the information stored in the digital environment or cloud architectures for the organization. It uses various cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, Google, etc., to ensure security against multiple threats.

Pankaj Nagla
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