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Best Icl Surgery In Hyderabad & Hospital

Envision Lasik
Best Icl Surgery In Hyderabad & Hospital

What is icl eye surgery?

ICL surgery, also known as EVO Implantable Collamer (or Interocular Contact Lens), is an alternative to Lasik. An eye surgeon with special training inserts contact lenses permanently into the eyes. Nearsightedness means that you are able to see objects closer to you, but have difficulty focusing on distant objects. The blurrier an object appears, the further away it is. Corrective treatment is needed if your eye becomes unable to focus on objects. There are several options:

  • Glasses
  • Contact lenses
  • Lasik corrective surgery
  • ICL surgery

Treatment options will depend on the severity of your nearsightedness. Contact lenses or glasses may be used to correct minor refraction problems. You may not be eligible for Lasik surgery. ICL fills in the gaps or assists people who don't want to wear glasses. If you willing for any eye treatment then book your appointment with Dr. Advaith Sai Alampur because he is the Best Icl Surgeon In Hyderabad

What are the Different Types of ICL Surgery Procedure?

ICL Soft Lens

Soft lenses are exactly what their name suggests. It is made of a flexible polymeric material. It is very similar to the corneal collagen, which means that there are less chances of adverse reactions. The soft lens implantation procedure involves the surgeon making a small incision in the cornea. After that, the ICL is placed inside the eye between the iris and the lens. No stitches are required. .

Intraocular Lens

This ICL surgery is for patients who don't meet the criteria to undergo Lasik surgery due to severe nearsightedness. This type of implant is performed by a surgeon. The lens is placed between the corneal and iris to help your eyes focus better. To ensure that the lens remains in place, surgeons close the incision with tiny stitches. This lens has a lower overall function as you age. Reading glasses may be required by patients later in life. A doctor must remove an intraocular lens from a patient who develops cataracts. Both types of surgery ensure that your natural eye lens remains in place. Implanted lenses can enhance your vision without glasses or contacts.

Envision Lasik
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