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Direct Selling Internal Security Threats

Epixel MLM Software
Direct Selling Internal Security Threats

If you thought data security threats and cybersecurity issues are only external, take a break–you could be wrong because, statistics shows that a major number of them happens internally. Some of which are caused due to ignorance while others could be planned or targetted. 

Building data security awareness for direct selling is crucial right from the distributor onboarding process. A thorough understanding of what could go wrong and how should be drawn out during distributor training to make sure that there are no intentional flaws made. 

While introspecting the common internal threats the major ones are:

  1. Social engineering and phishing - hackers see these two as an easy window to sneak into a network to spread a malware or a ransomware. Cyberpunks keep an eye on an insider who is easily scammable with a click bait through any of the social media platforms. 
  2. External data sharing - this could be yet another most common way through which hackers could easily get hold of intellectual properties, financial or any other important information regarding an organization. Also, when an insider send an important email with sensitive or confidential information to a wrong email or click on cc instead of a bcc on reply emails, data could easily be lost to unsafe hands leaving the company at risk. 
  3. Shadow IT - yet another crucial and common form of data leakage where an internal information is lost due to the usage of third-party applications or services without the consent of the IT department. An effective data loss and prevention tool and high-end security system would help with keeping your data safe forever. 

Epixel MLM Software
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