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How to Use Media Monitoring Tools for Your Business

Darah Albesa
How to Use Media Monitoring Tools for Your Business

Make the Most Out of Your Business by Using Media Measurements

Having an online business isn’t easy. Thanks to its numerous advantages, many business owners have taken their operations online, reaping the benefits of constant connectivity.

The unending stream of information flowing through the internet can make it hard to keep track of all the aspects of running a business, meaning that a brand risks losing its relevancy if it isn’t able to keep up.

Media monitoring is one of the best ways to stay on top of the media stream. Whether your business operates mainly online, in-store, or a combination of both, you’ll benefit from the valuable insights that media measurements can bring.

Burrelles has illustrated the ins, outs, and how-tos of media monitoring tools. With this guide, you’ll be able to see how adding these tools to your business is the right choice for you.

What Are Media Measurement Tools?

Media Measurement or Media Monitoring tools look through all forms of media—whether it is in print, online, or broadcast form—in order to find mentions of a name or organization. These tools can also be used to identify current trends in marketing, science, or other areas. The information gathered by these tools is invaluable to organizations. When analyzed by professionals, companies will be able to use this information to build marketing or research strategies.

Why Does My Company Need Them?

Your company needs a media monitoring tool for a number of reasons.

Primarily, media monitoring tools can be used to find mentions about your products and services. Media measurement is especially useful in customer service and public relations. By monitoring sentiment, it becomes easier to find unhappy audiences and track the conversations going on about your brand. You’ll also be able to give instant responses to questions or concerns. Keeping on top of audience sentiment is an important factor in running a successful business: if your customers don’t feel seen, they’ll lose their trust in your brand.

Media monitoring tools play a large role in building marketing and advertisement strategies. Social media marketing is a powerful tool, but its trends constantly shift: a hashtag that’s popular this week may fall out of relevance tomorrow, leaving your post buried in the data stream. Media measurement tracks the latest trends. You’ll be able to hop on the train of popular hashtags, advertisement styles, and topics, thus keeping your content fresh and relevant.

Press Releases also benefit from media measurement. These official statements provide information and build genuine interest in your brand, products, and services. Once you’ve successfully put a press release on the wire, using a monitoring tool can tell you how effective your PR campaign has been so far.

To most businesses, the functions provided by media monitoring deliver valuable insight. This information can make it easier to build customer relationships, create marketing strategies, and aid in your company’s Public Relations and Press Release endeavors.

What Do I Need to Use Media Measurement Tools?

Media monitoring used to be done manually. Monitoring companies would search the newspapers and magazines for mentions of a specific actor, brand, or company, taking clippings of the articles and mailing them to the organizations that asked for them. This method of media measurement was how Burrelles began!

Nowadays, most media measurement tools come in the form of software. Some tools cover only social media platforms while others search the general web, review platforms, and journalism sites.

If you want to cover as many areas as possible, you’ll need a computer that can handle the large amounts of data that need to be processed. Most media monitoring tools also need a steady internet connection to effectively crawl the web. Additionally, you might want the help of media measurement professionals: they’ll be able to effectively analyze the data gathered, giving you easy-to-understand insights.

How Do I Choose a Media Monitoring Tool?

The web has a variety of social media measurement tools for you to choose from. Some sites offer free tools with limited features, which you can look into if you want to get a glimpse of what media monitoring will be like.

With paid media monitoring services, you’ll be able to experience a full set of features and better customization options.

Some media monitoring services offer an analysis feature. Instead of going through the gathered information on your own, you’ll receive detailed reports on a timeframe of your choosing.

Before choosing a social media monitoring tool, you’ll need to consider your needs and budget. Decide which areas of the web you want to monitor. Most companies may want to focus on social media sites, as these platforms are the most active in terms of conversations and trends. Keep in mind that not all monitoring services are the same: most vary in terms of price, features, and coverage.

Get the Best Media Measurement Services With Burrelles

Burrelles offers a comprehensive list of monitoring services. We are the most trusted and credible partner in the media and data service industry, providing quality monitoring services in the United States. Our combination of human insight and sophisticated technology allows us to provide you with in-depth coverage of global media from all sources.

Burrelles offers complete and comprehensive media monitoring services. We cover all forms of media, whether you need to monitor online, print, or broadcast channels. With our services, you’ll receive non-stop brand monitoring, organized social media discussions, powerful analytics, and regular email alerts. Burrelles makes sure you’ll see all the coverage that’s important to you, your organization, and your goals.

We also offer media outreach services that will help you better understand the data we’ve gathered. Our professionals here at Burrelles will create tailor-made reports of our analyses, offering data tables and PowerPoint charts to organize our information.

Here at Burrelles, we can also help you with your press needs. We can assist you with your press release and provide experienced speakers for your next event.

Darah Albesa
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