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Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Aroma Tierra
Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil


Improves respiratory health

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is one of the most potent essential oils for promoting clear breathing and supporting lung function. Its powerful expectorant, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and analgesic properties are instrumental in improving overall respiratory health. That is why several over-the-counter vapor and chest rubs marketed to suppress cold and cough have Eucalyptus Essential Oil or its main component Eucalyptol as an active ingredient. When under the weather, use a few drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil topically or aromatically to ease breathing, soothe nasal tract, relieve congestion, and reduce throat pain. Diffuse 6-12 drops in your room, or apply it topically on the chest and throat after diluting in a base oil, e.g., Jojoba Oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Decongests and relieves cough

Eucalyptus Essential Oil helps to relieve throat and nasal congestion, reduce sinusitis, clear the airways of mucus, and act as a natural cough suppressant. It exhibits these properties due to its main component, Eucalyptol, that possesses potent decongestant, expectorant, and anti-microbial properties. Add two drops each of Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and Peppermint Essential Oils to a steam inhaler and inhale deeply to help clear the congestion. Apply it topically on the chest and throat after diluting in a base oil such as Jojoba Oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil.

Relieves seasonal allergies

In addition to its anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and anti-microbial properties, Eucalyptus Essential Oil exhibits immuno-regulatory effects, which means it suppresses bodily reactions to allergens, thereby providing relief from seasonal allergies.

Boosts immunity

Eucalyptus Essential Oil exhibits powerful anti-microbial properties against a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It strengthens our immunity by protecting us from harmful airborne and surface bacteria and viruses that cause infections. You can either diffuse the oil or use it in a spray in water.

Alleviates headache

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is an entirely natural and effective remedy to help alleviate headaches. It is incredibly helpful in relieving headaches stemming from sinuses as the oil helps to decongest and clear sinuses, thereby reducing headaches caused by sinus pressure. Its de-stressing and relaxing properties help to alleviate headaches caused by stress or fatigue.

Relieves muscle and joint pain

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is an effective natural remedy for relieving pain owing to its analgesic properties. It is known to reduce joint pain, relieve sore muscles, and reduce swelling and inflammation. Mix a few drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil with a base oil such as Jojoba Oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil to the affected area. You may add Peppermint and Wintergreen Essential Oils for better results.

Improves oral health

Anti-microbial action of Eucalyptus Essential Oil is known to improve oral health, fight bad breath, reduce chances of a cavity, and reduce plaque formation. Add 1-2 drops of the oil to water and gargle. Spit out the water after gargling.

Heals wounds

Potent anti-septic property of Eucalyptus Essential Oil helps in disinfecting wounds. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in fighting inflammation and promoting faster healing. Add 10-15 drops of the oil to water to create your anti-septic wash at home.

Home Care

Purifies air

Diffuse 6-12 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil in your home to purify the air, freshen spaces, and remove the damp smell. Its powerful anti-microbial properties help eliminate harmful airborne bacteria and viruses, providing relief from allergies and respiratory infections.

Deodorizes room

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is also known to get rid of any unpleasant odor and freshen up the room. Its powerful anti-microbial properties help eliminate harmful airborne bacteria and viruses, leaving the room smelling clean and fresh.

Disinfects and cleans surfaces

Eucalyptus Essential Oil acts as a natural disinfectant due to its broad-spectrum anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. You can use it in the kitchen, bathroom, or anywhere where mold and mildew exist. Add 10-20 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil in a spray bottle filled with 100ml rubbing alcohol and use it to clean the surfaces. Add 10-12 drops each of Tea TreeLemon and Lavender Essential Oils for making a more effective surface disinfectant.

Repels rats and cockroaches

Most insect repellants in the market are filled with harsh chemicals and pose a health risk. Eucalyptus Essential Oil is a much safer and entirely natural alternative to conventional insecticides for repelling rats, cockroaches, and insects. Mix 20-40 drops of the oil to 100ml of water in a spray bottle and spray it at the desired area. Please be careful if you have cats or dogs, as it can be irritating to them.

Freshens laundry

Add a few drops of the Eucalyptus Essential Oil to your laundry to have your clothes clean and germ-free, and smelling wonderful.

Hair Care

Eliminates head lice

Studies show that treatment with Essential Oils is an effective and safe way of removing head lice in children and adults. Add 20-25 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil, 10-15 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil, 10-15 drops of Lavender Essential Oil, and 10-15 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil to 30ml of Neem Oil to create a potent blend for fighting head lice. Apply this blend to infested hair and leave for 30-45 min before washing it off. Then comb it out and shampoo thoroughly to remove the lice. Repeat this two times a week until the lice issue is addressed. Avoid the topical application of Eucalyptus Essential Oil for children below six years.

Mind & Soul

Improves concentration and boosts mental clarity

Eucalyptus Essential Oil is known to improve focus and boost mental clarity. Diffuse 6-12 drops in your room for staying alert while studying or working.

Energizes and uplifts mood

Its vibrant, energizing, and camphoraceous aroma will help invigorate your senses, relax your mind, uplift mood, and promote positive thoughts. Diffusing a few drops of Eucalyptus and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils help improve the overall feeling of well-being.

Home Aroma

Room Fragrance

Diffuse 6-12 drops of Eucalyptus Essential Oil to fill your room with its invigorating, energizing, and crisp aroma, and enjoy its countless aromatherapy benefits. It is known to promote a feeling of well-being, uplift spirits, relax the mind, provide relief from seasonal allergies, clear airborne infections, protect from illnesses, soothe cold and cough, boost immunity, so on and so forth.

Aroma Tierra
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