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Best Contoura Eye Surgery In Hyderabad

Envision Lasik
Best Contoura Eye Surgery In Hyderabad

Contoura Vision is an advanced Lasik procedure that offers patients the opportunity to remove their eyeglasses. This advanced procedure can be used to treat corneal irregularities that prevent people from being eligible for Lasik surgery. Hyderabad's top eye hospital offers advanced laser machines for vision correction.

What is Contoura Vision?

Contoura Vision, also known as topography guided Lasik Surgery, is also called Contoura Vision. This is the most recent advancement in Laser vision correction. The power of the eyeglasses is corrected by Lasik and SMILE, but the Contoura procedure corrects corneal irregularities as well as the Visual Axis. Contoura treatment gives sharper vision than SMILE and Lasik.

Are Contoura Vision Eye Surgery and Lasik Better?

  • To improve nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, both Lasik and Contoura procedures can be performed. There are some differences in technology, scopes and results. let's discuss.

  • While Lasik surgery does not require contact lenses or eyeglasses, Contoura vision provides better visual acuity in more cases. Contoura, which is a computer-aided topographic map method, maps microscopic contours of the clear frontal eye.

  • Contoura treats the abnormal curvature of both the cornea and optics. The treatment relies on the visual axis. Other Lasik procedures, however, are based upon the eyeball.

  • Advanced computer analysis generates the contours of your cornea and is programmed into a laser. This process maps 22,000 points on the cornea. The Ophthalmologist will then create a personalized treatment plan for each patient. Each patient is unique because no two eyes are alike.

  • Topography-guided Lasik surgery corrects corneal irregularities. Your vision quality is restored so that light can penetrate the eyes easily and evenly. This results in sharp and clear vision. This is an advanced version for standard corrections. Most patients are able to see clearly without glasses after contour vision. There are also surprisingly fewer problems with glare from the lights. Studies have shown that patients are less likely to complain about driving at night.

  • Contoura vision correction delivers amazing results. According to Eye7 Eye Hospitals, 65% of patients who received this treatment have seen improvements that are better than 6/6. This treatment is faster and causes less tissue damage. Contoura can be used in cases where someone has had Lasik surgery previously but is not happy with the results.

  • Topography-guided Lasik surgery (also known as topography-guided Lasik Surgery) is the safest, most effective and current method for specs removal and vision correction. Yes, contoura vision is more effective than Lasik Surgery. Contoura vision Hyderabad is the best option for vision correction and specs removal.

Who is eligible for Contoura vision treatment?

The US FDA has approved the Contoura technique. It produces better results than Lasik or SMILE. It is highly recommended by Ophthalmologists, and it quickly gained immense popularity among patients.

These are the criteria that will allow patients to be considered for this procedure.

  1. A patient must be over 18 years old
  2. He must be able to afford eyewear.
  3. He must possess a 3D Cyl. He must have a 3D cyl.
  4. His cornea shouldn't be too thin
  5. His eye power shouldn't be spherical 8D
  6. He should not have any severe corneal disease.
Envision Lasik
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