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Install Cloudflare WARP on Linux

Amal KM

With a little help from Skynats, you can install Cloudflare WARP on Linux like a pro.

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Cloudflare WARP Installation on Linux

Cloudflare's Warp is a free VPN service. It enables businesses and people to have a quicker, safer, and more private online experience. Furthermore, the WARP client is available in a variety of modes to accommodate a variety of connection requirements.

WARP provides the following benefits:

  • It encrypts user data while it is being transmitted.
  • Warp is built on WireGuard.
  • Warp executes requests via the WireGuard protocol.

We can do it from the command line on Linux. Our Support Technicians are available to assist you with this process.

If we are not using arch linux, we must download it from this link:

sudo pacman -S wireguard-tools
yay -S wgcf

Although we must keep the wireguard-tools installation in place, wgcf is only used once.

Following that, we created Cloudflare profiles using the following commands:

wgcf register
wgcf generate

Then, use the following command to copy the configuration:

sudo cp wgcf-profile.conf /etc/wireguard

Here are a few more commands that will be useful while using WARP:

  • Start:
 wg-quick up wgcf-profile

  • Stop:
 wg-quick up wgcf-profile

  • Enable:
 systemctl enable wg-quick@wgcf-profile

According to our Support Team, you can also use the local DNS to resolve hosts on your local network.

sudo vi /etc/wireguard/wgcf-profile.conf

At this point, we must replace DNS = with the local secure dnscrypt server. This is how Cloudflare WARP is installed on Linux.

Amal KM
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