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How to get rid of QuickBooks error code 3180?

Lillian Martin
How to get rid of QuickBooks error code 3180?

Want to know the complete process to eliminate QuickBooks error code 3180? This error is seen when the user makes using of the QuickBooks desktop sales tax item that is not listed or associated with any vendor. Such an error can also be seen when the account mapping of sales tax payable account is incorrect. Another reason triggering QuickBooks error 3180 can be if there are one or more items on receipts having the sales tax payable account selected as the target account. Error messages:


·        Status code: 3180 Status message: There was an error when saving a Employees list, element “Employee, Name”

·        Status code 3180: There was a problem with saving the General Journal Transaction

·        Status code 3180: …QuickBooks error message: A/P (or A/R) detail line must have vendor

·        Status code 3180: QuickBooks error message: The posting account is invalid

To know more about such an error, make sure to read the post till the end. Or you can also get in touch with our team professionals at +1-888-351-0999, and we will provide you with instant support and assistance.

What causes QuickBooks error code 3180?

Following are some causes of QuickBooks error 3180:

·        The Sale tax item in QuickBooks Desktop is not linking to any of the vendors properly.

·        Mapping of the Sales tax payable account is incorrect.

·        The paid out is created by the sales tax payable account.

·        Settings of Expenses of vendor are not correct.

·        Damage or corruption in QuickBooks company file.

·        Your system antivirus application can promote this error.

Steps to fix the issue

The user can try to fix the issue by merging items in QuickBooks using the set of steps listed below:

·        At first, open QuickBooks Desktop.

·        And then, click on the item menu.

·        Now, choose include inactive option.

·        Go for the type header in order to sort the list.

·        Now you just have to rename the item of sales.

·        From the point of sale just right click on the payment item.

·        After that select the option edit item.

·        Add OLD in the item name.

·        Now, Click on OK Button.

·        And then, from the sales run the financial exchange.

·        In QuickBooks Desktop merge the duplicate items.

·        Now click on the payment named old.

·        Choose to edit them.

·        Now remove the files named with Old.

·        Click OK and confirm it by tapping Yes.

·        Make sure that the Sales Tax Items are Assign to the Vendor

With this we come to the end of the post, where we hope that the information shared in above might have helped to fix the QuickBooks error code 3180. However, if for some reason the user isn’t able to fix the issue even after performing set of steps, then contacting our experts at QuickBooks Toll-Free number+1-888-351-0999 is recommended. We are a team of experts who work round the clock to provide instant support services. 

Lillian Martin
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