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How Do Collagen Supplements Benefit the Body?

Darah Albesa
How Do Collagen Supplements Benefit the Body?

How Do Collagen Supplements Benefit the Body?

Collagen is abundant in many people and animals. Its most significant functions include providing the framework and support to develop your cells and tissues. Natural collagen proteins exist in your bones, muscles, skin, blood, and cartilage. However, collagen production slows as we age, marking the deterioration of the major organs and tissues they support. 

Topical and oral collagen supplement products can help you sustain the collagen you need for a healthy body. This article lists the top benefits of collagen-rich foods and supplements. 


Benefits of Collagen-Rich Food and Supplements

A healthy lifestyle and collagen-rich food, such as eggs, bone broth, fish, and vegetables, help your body produce the protein naturally. Combine fitness and diet routines with collagen supplementation to meet your daily dietary requirements and enjoy the following benefits. 

Smooth and Glowing Skin

Collagen improves overall skin health. According to a 2019 study with more than 800 participants, collagen supplements have helped improve the skin’s elasticity, fibre density, and moisture. These effects provide a healthy and effective way to smoothen wrinkles and fine lines that appear as you age. 

Healthier-looking skin helps you achieve an overall youthful glow! 

Joint Pain Relief

As a major structural protein that supports the bones, cartilage, and other connective tissue, collagen can reduce joint aches after exercise. Athletes also rely on collagen peptides as these supplements are known to aid in cartilage repair. Their anti-inflammatory properties also prevent post-workout fatigue and muscle pains. 

Whether you have an active lifestyle or do light exercise daily, taking collagen will help maintain your body’s strength and adaptability. 

Bone and Muscle Support 

Collagen can strengthen your bones and make them denser, slow aging, and aid your body’s bone growth. Additionally, the amino acid glycine, a primary collagen component, increases muscle mass by promoting the conversion of glucose into energy. 

You can also add to these bone and muscle benefits by taking your collagen supplements with Vitamin C. 

Stronger and Healthier Hair

Strong, healthy hair gives anybody a youthful look. Collagen is rich in keratin, a structural fibrous protein that helps produce the necessary tissue found in your hair. Aside from making your hair appear full and glossy, collagen products can also support hair follicle growth and reduce the production of grey hair. 

Reduce the Risk of Heart Conditions

A collagen-rich diet promotes heart health and prevents the risks of fatal heart conditions. The structural protein supports the development and framework of your arterial walls. Just as it supports muscle growth and skin elasticity, collagen also works internally to prevent artery stiffness. Flexible blood vessels and arteries ensure a smoother blood flow and help regulate blood pressure. 

There you have it, the best benefits you will see from incorporating collagen into your diet. They are more than enough reasons to invest in your first bottle of collagen supplements in NZ stores! More studies are ongoing to examine how collagen benefits the body, so expect more great news regarding this powerful protein and its several benefits. 

Darah Albesa
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