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ECommerce Website Tips – What to Do and What to Avoid

Maaz E Ansari
ECommerce Website Tips – What to Do and What to Avoid

The internet has made it easier than ever to start an online business, and in most cases, you don’t even need an office to start! In fact, as more and more people are going online to find what they’re looking for, eCommerce websites are becoming the way of the future. 

If you want your online business to have the best chance at success, though, then you need to make sure that you approach it carefully and follow the right steps when creating your eCommerce website

That’s where this list of tips comes in! It will help you navigate this process safely and successfully.

Make it easy for your customers

Once you’ve figured out what your customers want, figure out how you can help them get it. 

The main lesson is that customers don’t care about you or your company. They care about themselves and their problems, which they need a solution for. 

Make it easy for them to purchase from your website. Don’t make them fill out 20 fields of information when a simple email address will suffice for payment info.

Understand what they want

You need to get a clear picture of what your client wants from their new eCommerce website. 

Ask them why they have decided to build a new site, what their current eCommerce website is like, how they want customers to interact with it, etc. Understanding all of these points up front will give you a direction to work in when it comes time for your design phase. 

This way you can hit all of their needs right off the bat!

Get familiar with user experience design

There’s a reason many eCommerce websites have a look and feel that you can recognize almost immediately. They’re all pretty much following in Walmart’s footsteps. 

The retail giant was among some of the first companies to launch an online presence, back in 1995.

Personalize the product display

Whether you’re selling products online or off, it’s a good idea to personalize how your goods are displayed.

 You want customers to feel like they can make a purchase without being coerced into buying something they don’t want.

Don’t forget about social media marketing

Social media is a powerful way to market your eCommerce website. 

You should have both a Facebook business page and Twitter profile as well as other social accounts associated with your business.

Keep it simple

The most important thing is to keep your website simple. Choose 2 or 3 products at most and sell them well. 

Don’t clutter your site with unnecessary products as it will make people hesitate before buying anything.

Use rich images in your store (as much as possible)

Use large images of products on your website. Include detailed pictures showing all sides of a product, so customers get a clear idea of what they’re buying.

The fastest way to create a website? Hire a freelancer.

It’s important to remember that there are plenty of people out there who could create a website for you. 

If you don’t have any experience in creating websites, it can be difficult to know where to start. If your budget is limited, consider hiring a freelancer instead of creating it yourself!


However, if you want your business website to stand out in a sea of competitors, we recommend that you engage one of our website design services create a great eCommerce design for your website.

Maaz E Ansari
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