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The Business of Computer Vision: Industry 4.0

John Dsouza
The Business of Computer Vision: Industry 4.0

Computer Vision technology has become easily accessible, making it even more appealing to enterprises. Accuracy rates for object identification and classification have jumped from 50% to 99% by 2021, and today’s systems are even more accurate than humans.

Computer vision services transform the business to achieve faster, cheaper, and more accurate quality control providing you with an increment in ROI and boosting your business.

Industrial and manufacturing markets are leveraging computer vision to improve productivity, profitability, and increase safety.

According to a ResearchandMarkets 2022 research, the global market for AI in computer vision will reach $73.7 billion by 2027.

Ways computer vision is impacting the value chain:

  • Inventory management
  • Manufacturing accuracy and throughput
  • Inspection and quality control
  • Warehouse management
  • Packaging and delivery

COVID-19’s Impact on Manufacturing:

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, supply networks and labour markets underwent a significant disturbance in 2020–2021. The need for automation grew quickly as a result. Manufacturers felt pressure to operate more quickly and effectively as labour was disturbed and demand for goods and services increased globally. Improved technology became more important than ever. With the development of computer vision, producers are now producing more effectively and with the highest quality imaginable.

There is a greater requirement for:

  1. Robotics development
  2. Production speed
  3. Anomaly detection
  4. Maintenance in advance (catch equipment failures before they break)
  5. Monitor packaging standards and barcode analysis

Compared to the human eye, computer vision is significantly more effective at spotting problems before they arise and maintaining equipment health. Additionally, CV can offer in-the-moment alerts that let management act before something goes wrong or is damaged.

However, the recent advances in image processing and machine learning have enabled new uses of computer vision in manufacturing. As modern thermal imaging-based computer vision systems consist of high-resolution cameras and AI, they have a lot to offer to manufacturers.

SoftwebSolution Provides Enterprises a Platform to Create Smart Manufacturing Solutions

Softwebsolution’s cutting-edge development platform enables enterprise developers to build, train, and deploy computer vision applications on IoT devices at scale. Hire computer vision experts and schedule a demo to talk about your business.

John Dsouza
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