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Questions to Ask Your Prospective dental website companies

James Willy
Questions to Ask Your Prospective dental website companies

Whether you are just starting out or you’ve been practicing for years but have finally decided to go digital - a dental website is a must. Today, websites act as the first point of contact between your practice and potential patients. Think for yourself - when you need a product or a service, what is the first thing that you do? It is highly likely that you search for it online. Similarly, a survey showed that around 80% of people make healthcare-related searches online before making an appointment. Thus, if your name isn’t showing up in these relevant searches, then you might be missing out on the majority of your potential patients. Hence, it is advisable to hire a dental website design company to design a website for your practice. 


Things To Know Before Hiring a Dental Website Company 


It is understandable that hiring a company can be a huge decision. You will be investing your hard-earned money and depending entirely on this company for your dental website. Moreover, your website will represent you digitally and will act as an extension of your website. Your potential patients will form an impression of your practice based on your website. Hence, it is important to hire one of the leading dental website companies that will understand your dental practice and create a website that is truly satisfactory. The following are some questions you can ask your prospective dental website companies to determine whether they are the right fit for your practice: 

What type of services are offered by them? 

Today, just launching a website is not enough. In addition to that, your dental website will also need a PPC and a search engine optimization strategy. Without the right marketing strategies, people won’t be able to discover your website. In fact, data shows that around 80% of people don’t scroll past the first page of the search results. Hence, you need to hire a dentist marketing company that offers an array of services. This also means that you won’t have to hire a number of different marketing companies and manage a ton of different teams. 

Do they have a portfolio of their work? 

It is important to check whether they have any prior experience in the field or not. Moreover, a company that is truly proud of the work they’ve done wouldn’t hesitate from showing its previous work. What’s even more important is to find out whether they have any experience in designing a dental website. It is advisable to hire a dental website company that specializes in the field. 

What is included in your software and support fees? 

This is another important question that should be asked beforehand. Knowing exactly what you can expect in the fee charged is crucial for establishing a long-term relationship with your dental online marketing company. You may also want to ask them whether this fee includes tech support and domain management as well. 



You can also show them certain examples and ask them directly if they’ll be able to design something similar. Make sure to also ask them if they can create a mobile-friendly website. Your website should be interactive, intuitive, and responsive in order to attract the right audience. 

James Willy
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