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How To Keep Off Excess Weight After Bariatric Surgery

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Orange County
How To Keep Off Excess Weight After Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery in Orange County is done when exercise and diet have not worked out or when an individual has serious health conditions because of their weight. Some weight loss procedures limit how much food you can eat. Other producers reduce the ability of the body to absorb nutrients. Whilst weight loss surgery can offer a lot of benefits, all forms of bariatric surgery are major procedures that can have serious side effects and pose serious risks. You must also make permanent healthy changes to your diet and exercise regularly to ensure the long-term success of weight loss surgery.


How to prepare for weight loss surgery

If you qualify for weight loss surgery, your doctor will give you instructions on how to prepare for the specific type of surgery you are undergoing. You may also need to have lab exams and tests before surgery. Your weight loss doctor may also restrict you from eating and drinking. You may be required to start exercising and stop using tobacco. You may also need to plan ahead for your recovery after weight loss surgery.


What to expect

Bariatric surgery is done using general anesthesia. This means that you will be unconscious during the entire procedure. The specifics of the surgery will depend on your situation and the type of surgery you have. Some surgeries are done with large incisions in your abdomen. This is known as open surgery.


However, most modern surgeries are done laparoscopically where a small tubular tool known as a laparoscope is inserted through tiny incisions in the abdomen. The laparoscope has a small camera at the top. The camera allows the surgeon to see and operate inside your abdomen without making large incisions. This surgery makes the recovery shorter and faster but it is not suitable for everyone.


After surgery

After surgery, you will not be allowed to eat for one to two days so that your digestive system and stomach can heal. You will then follow a specific diet for a few weeks. Your diet begins with liquids then progresses to very soft foods and finally regular foods. You may have a lot of limits and restrictions on how much you can drink and eat.

You will also have frequent checkups to monitor your general health in the first few months after surgery. You may need blood work, lab testing and exams.



In addition to weight loss, weight loss surgery may improve various conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, joint pain, and so on. Weight loss surgery can also improve the ability of the patient to perform routine activities and this can improve your overall quality of life.


Keeping off the weight

It is very possible to regain weight after bariatric surgery in Orange County or you may not lose enough weight after surgery. This happens if you do not follow your doctor’s recommendations. If you want to keep off weight, you should do regular physical activity and eat healthy foods.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Orange County
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