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Shop Pathfinder Gear by Self Reliance Outfitters for sale

Shop Pathfinder Gear by Self Reliance Outfitters for sale

Old Hickory Kitchen Knives


Old Hickory Knives is one of the fastest-selling product lines of the very famous and globally recognized brand, Ontario Knife Company. This leading knife and kitchen cutlery brand was first introduced in 1924 by the Ontario Knife Company. Initially, the parent brand started by producing practically designed and hard-handled tactical tools and equipment for military and law enforcement. From making knives to providing equipment to the US army, the brand is known to be the best at the job.


The company has collaborated with many knife makers/designers including Bram Frank, Justin Gingrich, and renowned Bowie knife designer Bill Bagwell. The US-based company has a team of skilled artisans and bladesmiths with years of experience. Old Hickory has stood the test of time and ensures to provide top-quality, hard-handled, and affordable knives. The highly durable and functional knives cater highly to households, community kitchens, restaurants, and hotels. 


Old Hickory Knives- A Trusted Name in Global Marketplace

Ontario Knife Company is a major supplier of private label knives and blades in the global marketplace. The company promises practically designed knives, assured quality, and high-performing life that makes it a popular brand among various US households. Old Hickory Knives uses state-of-the-art technology and experienced craftsmen to manufacture a large range of kitchen cutlery and tools. The extensive product range includes filleting knives, butchering knives, fruits & vegetable knives, boning knives, and skinning knives. The company has also introduced different block sets which have 5 Old Hickory knives including paring, boning, and slicing knives.

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