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What are the Best Practices for Running a Successful Beer Bar?

Garland Taylor
What are the Best Practices for Running a Successful Beer Bar?

American craft beer from small and local brewers is becoming more popular, and pubs and restaurants are working hard to meet the demand. While hundreds of aspects undoubtedly contribute to a positive or negative experience, we've narrowed it down to the top five that may decide the fate of a beer bar.

Well-Informed Wait Staff:

The ability to answer simple questions from customers is essential for anybody working behind a bar or in the food service industry. Servers shouldn't be expected to remember the International Bittering Unit (IBU) ratings for each beer on tap; however, they should understand the phrase and be capable of finding the ratings quickly and accurately if requested.

A straight forward strategy to earn customers' confidence is to provide beer recommendations tailored to their tastes. A waiter who listens to a customer's preference for amber ale and then intelligently recommends an English-style mild would likely get a more positive reaction than one who recommends a Craft Beer Richmond VA, with a completely different taste profile, such as a sour Belgian-style Flanders.

In a sound bar, patrons know they can trust the bartenders to point them accurately or assist them in choosing an array of exotic beers. Regarding customer service, the business's management must ensure its employees have everything they need to succeed.

Beer Menu That's Up To Date:

When visiting a business that boasts of carrying a wide variety of craft beers, it might be disheartening to find that none of the three beers you were most looking forward to trying are on tap. In reality, it's to be anticipated that a bar or restaurant may sometimes run dry of a particular beer, mainly if it's a more obscure or limited-edition kind. Craft Beer Restaurants Richmond VA, which invests in fancy laminated beer lists, has such beers in stock.

A simple adjustment might save many disappointed customers. Every other establishment has a blackboard in the back with its craft beer selection.

Upkeep and Hygiene:

Actual craft beer sanitation requires more than just the absence of dirt and grime on the glasses and the bar or tables. The glassware, kegs, taps, and draught systems of bars need constant upkeep.

Beer service might be lacking, including the etiquette around serving beer from a draught. Before filling a glass with beer, it is important to rinse it, and the draught nozzle must never come into contact with the drinks or the beer.

Garland Taylor
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