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Why Use A Moffett Delivery Service?

Jeavons Eurotir
Why Use A Moffett Delivery Service?

A Moffett truck is a small, maneuverable truck mounted to a truck and frequently used in tight spaces. It is named after its inventor, Robert Moffett, who developed the truck in 1986.

Moffett trucks are often used in urban areas where space is limited. They are also commonly used in warehouses and other industrial settings. In this post, we will discuss the benefits of using a Moffett delivery service. Let’s dive in.

Reduces costs

You’ll need employees to load and unload the pallets when shipping goods using a truck. Only the driver is required to do the job when using a Moffett truck. Once the driver parks, they can load and unload the items to the trailer using the Moffett. This means you will save the money that would have been used to hire extra personnel.


One of the main benefits of a Moffett is its reliability. A Moffett is small in size and can fit in tight spaces. You can also comfortably carry goods using Moffett trucks on uneven terrain. These trucks can easily manoeuvre places that are considered restricted grounds. This makes Moffett trucks ideal for making deliveries to various locations.

Ensures safety

Moffett trucks were designed to make it safe for employees to load and unload trucks. There have been many cases of people getting hurt while carrying items to or from a truck. Cases like these are common when heavy objects are involved.

When you use a Moffett truck, you do not need to hire people to do the heavy lifting. The forklift can carry heavy items so there is no risk of anyone getting hurt. Remember, this will also boost productivity as Moffett trucks won’t need breaks.


Moffett trucks are lightweight and durable and this increases their versatility. They can carry items up to 1.75 tonnes, meaning they can carry pallets of virtually any weight. Keep in mind that these tiny trucks can move in all directions, making them suitable for operating in a wide range of locations.

As you can see, Moffett trucks provide numerous benefits. If you have never use a Moffeettt truck to move your goods, now is the time to do so.

Top-quality Moffett delivery Service in the UK

Jeavons Eurotir is a leading Moffett delivery service in the UK. We have been in the haulage business for more than four decades and have the experience and expertise you need. All our drivers are trained to use the Moffett so you can be sure your items will be handled well.

Our fleet can transport goods to any part of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Contact us today if you need a Moffett truck delivery service.

Jeavons Eurotir
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