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Awareness and understanding the challenge based education

Awareness and understanding the challenge based education

The accomplishment of an individual can be categorically determined by virtue of the competence of disentangling glitches that come with learning. In today’s rapidly growing world, education is receiving more value in comparison to its other similar counterparts. As the reason more educational institutes and training centers have in full swing, offering to provide a high level of educational services to potential learners making tomorrow's society more literate and prosperous. Nevertheless, educational institutes should work hard and be meticulous in their strategic plans to get a better edge over their other competitors, since the traditional methods of educating learners are no longer effective, especially for those who are not able to get much knowledge through conventional learning.


While there are several different career channels, many of these careers require consistent realizing and planning on how to resolve the learning issues that are seen to be persistently occurring in today's world. The specific challenges that are associated with each career depend up to some extent, on the physical location of the student, what environmental issues are most prevalent, the area of interest, and so on. The major approaches of concern for resolving these challenges lie in the motivation to improvise or maintain the observation and analytical skills of the individual. It is only then the aspect of identifying and resolving the potential challenges can be carried out to an extent. Participation in activities that lead to the resolution of challenges by building a flexible yet dependable and sustainable framework of learning that can be implemented as regulatory training that is integrated with other progressive approaches to learning also will be of great assistance in resolving those challenges. Overall the concept of challenge-based learning happens to be a structure that encompasses learning while one tries to solve the real challenges that are encountered in real-time.


The system is purely a collaborative hands-on activity, where a set of participants may be students, teachers or other community learners identify ideas, exchange questions and solutions, turn up with challenges and solve them accordingly, and in the process gain in-depth subject knowledge, and develop practical skills, and share thoughts with each other. Challenge-based learning is banked on the basis of realistic learning, depends mainly on the perception of progressive education, and shares the objectives of facilitating learning. The outline is a package of innovative ideas emerging from areas like education, media, and technology. These professional training courses, with each execution, get onto new ideologies, constantly reviewing the previous model and evolving with new and improvised versions. Mainly organized into three stages viz; Engage, Investigate, and Act the system is reliant on practice and share principle.


The Learners move from the process of essential questioning to an actual and real-time challenge. Planning and participating in a collective and well-coordinated effort the foundation and the challenges are addressed with proper solutions that are relevant to the academic requirement. While evidence-based solutions are devised, implemented, and then evaluated results thus obtained are documented in well-prepared statistical and technological data. Amongst many institutions that have slowly but steadily caught up with challenge-based education, AAARYA Business College Pte Ltd is one such place where the students begin their industrial skills training. The students are channelized towards attaining a learning mindset that enhances their knowledge, skills, and attitude through challenge-based education which enables the realization of individual learning goals.

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