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5 Tips for Finding the Best Landlord Software

Millennial Moderator
5 Tips for Finding the Best Landlord Software

Becoming a landlord is one of the best investments you can ever make. But, it's only a success to minimize your vacancies and maximize the amount of rent you can get for your property..

Originally published on millennialmoderator.com

For a stress-free property management journey, you'll need a landlord software such as Rentme. Rentme makes life easy for you as a landlord. This software will help you advertise your property, accept online applications, and schedule shows. You will screen your tenants, manage the property from anywhere, and comfortably collect rent and utilities.

Using landlord software is easy and manageable, even if you're a first-time landlord. There are different types in the market offering different management services. However, choosing the best can be tricky. And that's why you need these five tips to help you find the best landlord software available.

Tips for Finding the Best Landlord Software

1. Flexibility

The best landlord software is flexible in adapting to changing market demands. It should also host several applications at once to ensure you get maximum help. A flexible software allows you to manage your property from any location.

2. Easy to Use

You know software efficiency by its ease of use. The free landlord software should make life easier as a landlord. While landlords have many tasks to undertake and solve, the software should make this manageable. Adopting software that will favor you and your residents. However, if it's complex, the tenants will avoid using it, thus complicating your work. Rentme is easy to use and is created with the tenant and landlord in mind.

3. Compatibility

A good property management software is compatible with other existing systems. While having several systems is important, installing new software should not interfere with the rest. It should integrate well to avoid information duplication and help improve the business.

4. Documentation and Reporting

Property management involves a lot of documentation and reports, which is time-consuming. When you install the free property management software, your work becomes easy as a landlord. You will be generating reports within seconds, and all the filing and documentation of records will be easy.This software will ensure that you remain competitive as a landlord or property manager by offering up-to-date information. Your customer service will greatly improve and help you expand your business.

5. Customer Support

There are two types of software: free landlord software and paid software. The paid one generally has more advanced features than the free version. Although they serve the same purpose, the quality of customer support differs. Before picking which software to use, know its cost and the availability of customer care in case of breakdown. Sometimes there are hidden fees, or there are major limitations with the “free” version of a property management software platform. The good news is with RentMe it really is free for landlords with no hidden fees or catches. Knowing what you're investing in is good for avoiding a backward move for your business. A landlord software, free or paid, should have the functions below.

Important Functions of a Landlord Software

Landlord software is meant to make property management work easier. Look for the following top features in a property management software platform:

  • Market Your Property- The software you choose for your property management functions should be able to advertise and market your property with a touch of a button. Your work should be minimal by uploading photos of the property, adding descriptions, and the software does the marketing. You also upload available properties and the software should showcase this to prospective renters with a touch of the button.
  • Screening of Tenants- This feature is absolutely required. You need software that will screen tenant details as the tenant uploads their information. It helps you to confidently select those that match the qualifications you are looking for.
  • Manage Maintenance Requests- Over time, maintenance is going to become an issue, and tenants will expect you to take immediate action when something breaks. With landlord software, it is easy to track maintenance requests and respond on time.
  • Schedule Property Shows- Through good software, prospective tenants should be able to request a tour, and the landlord can confirm availability or vice versa. The landlord can accept the online application to rent a house through the software.
  • Rent and Utilities Collection- Are there other bills you want to collect other than Rent? Make sure your platform can support billing for incidental fees such as utilities or one-time repairs. . Rentme allows landlords to collect rent, penalties for late payments, and utility bills. The best software should have all the above functions to reduce the workload. Let's look at the reasons for using landlord software.

Why Even Use Landlord Software to Manage Your Properties?

Unlike manually managing your property, landlord software makes everything so much simpler. Below are some reasons for using them:

  • They are quick and streamline your workload. The best software is fully automated to ensure the speed and accuracy of information output. They help avoid repetitive tasks that are time-consuming for both the landlord and the tenant.
  • They help reduce the duplication of information. The free landlord lord software has an automatic setting that allows the processing of information only once. When shifting data from one system to another, the software ensures that folders are not mixed up and the information is accurate.
  • The paid landlord software is the best for preserving your information. Even if you get a breakdown, their customer service is top-notch. It's stressful to lose critical documents through poor systems. Thus investing in good software is worth your money.
  • The advanced software is regularly updated to ensure you're using the current version of their applications. While the system sellers do this, it's aimed at improving your business performance. Unlike the manual system, the software can retrieve the saved information in case of breakdown.

Sign up for a Property Management Software today!

Installing free property management software like Rentme is a great step towards management freedom. However, different software serves different purposes, so it's important to understand your needs. Rentme makes property management easy for landlords and helps renters live where they want at the right price. The software also allows house showing from the comfort of your home and finally accepts applications if interested.

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Originally published on millennialmoderator.com

Millennial Moderator
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