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Study Best Master of Business Administration Degree Program in Guyana | TAU

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 Study Best Master of Business Administration Degree Program  in Guyana | TAU

Master of Business Administration Program at TAU inculcates leadership skills among students. The students will be equipped with wide knowledge in various functions of management right from planning to implementation of the business projects/models. The program will provide the students with a deeper understanding of the global business scenario and face the competition with a high level of confidence.

Texila American University takes pride in the students being admitted into it’s Master of Business Administration program. To ensure that quality in admissions is being maintained, a stringent checklist is followed while considering if the students are capable of handling rigorous courses and training. The students are expected to meet the eligibility standards in order take up a degree and to pursue their preferred program at Texila.TAU welcomes students previously enrolled in another recognized Business School to apply for admission with advanced standing, provided they meet all the requirements for admission into the College of Business Management.

TAU accepts maximum of 30 credits(Masters) transfer

Candidate should qualify assessment examination and panel interview.Students to MBA degree program at Texila American University (TAU) are selected on the basis of their academic, personal, and extracurricular abilities. Additionally, students must have the intellectual, physical, and emotional capacities to meet the requirements of a successful medical career.Upon graduating from the Master of Business Administration program, one can opt to further their academic knowledge by pursuing a Ph.D. in Management.

The Student Counselors of Texila American University guides and supports the applicants throughout the entire admissions process. The prospective student is led to fill out the admissions form.

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