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Know The Things That You Should/Shouldn’t Put In Drains

Rooter Man
Know The Things That You Should/Shouldn’t Put In Drains

Is there anything worse than clogged drains? We do not believe so. Throughout our years of service as drain cleaning Charleston SC, we have seen various plumbing situations. Some of them are clogged drains, sewage backflowing into the home, overflowing toilets, burst sewer lines, and other issues that could have been avoided. Let’s check out some essential information about it.

What Can I Put Down My Drains?

You're undoubtedly thinking now what you can dump down your drains. When it comes to your toilet, remember the "three P rule": Only pee, stool, and (toilet) paper should be flushed. Only soaps and liquids (including liquid soaps!) should be poured down the sink drain.

Finally, you should always keep the stuff you put in your garbage disposal to a minimum. Soft foods, liquids, and non-fibrous vegetables are all acceptable for disposal. Items that should not go down the drain can be thrown into the trashcan instead. Following these guidelines will save you a lot of time, money, and energy in the long run.

Or otherwise you need to call up the professionals for drain cleaning Charleston SC and unclog the drain.

What we should not put in the drain?

Here is a quick list which should never be dumped in drain:

Ø Hair

Ø Grease

Ø Feminine hygiene products

Ø Baby wipes,

Ø Diaper

Ø Q-tips

Ø Egg shells

Ø Coffee ground

Ø Flushable wipes

Ø Fibrous vegetales

Ø Potato peels

Ø Paper towels


Contact experts right away if your drains are acting up. There is no problem too big or too minor for the expert service technicians to handle. They can provide comprehensive drain cleaning and repair services that will have your pipes back up and running in no time.

Rooter Man
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