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How To Restore Your Kindle If It Experiences A Critical Battery Error?

Steve Smith
How To Restore Your Kindle If It Experiences A Critical Battery Error?

Kindles are our weakness, so we must use them properly. It is also necessary for us to charge them regularly, so we can read continuously. It also shows the Kindle won't charge, which means there is a critical battery error. The Amazon Kindle Critical Battery Error message usually appears when the e-book is stuck on the empty battery or charging screen. 

People get more worried when they see that their battery is 100% empty. It occurs when we use the Kindle regularly for a long time. Sometimes, when we don't use the Kindle for a long time, it also shows this error. It is necessary to charge the Kindle for a long period and test it several times.

Methods To Fix Kindle Won’t Charge 

It is also imperative to fix the Kindle's critical battery error quickly. Here we can look at various solutions to the problem of the Kindle won't charge. 

Connect the Charger

It is necessary to connect a charger to our Amazon Kindle and plug it into a power outlet. It is important to note that we can use a power outlet to charge, not a computer, to fix the critical error. There is a need to check that the LED light indicating charging is on. If it is not on, there is a need to remove it and attach it again. It is vital to check that we turn the light on otherwise, it stops charging after some time. We must charge it for at least four to five hours. It is necessary to verify all voltage and current information when using any other power adapter to charge the Kindle.

 Press & hold the power button for a few minutes

  • We can connect the charger to our Kindle and also attach its plug to a power outlet.
  • There is a need to press & hold the power button during charging for a few minutes. 
  • It is also necessary to turn off the Kindle.
  • Here we unplug the Kindle and reconnect the charger.
  • It is necessary to check that its LED lights are on.
  • It takes four to five hours to fully charged.

Recovery Mode

When you try the above methods but are not successful in fixing the problem, the Kindle won’t charge, and there is a need to use this recovery mode. 

  • We can unplug the USB cord.
  • There is a need to hold the power slide to right for seconds.
  • Press and hold the Home key for another 45 seconds after releasing the power slide.
  • Release the Home key once the Kindle's screen begins to flash. We will activate the recovery mode on the eReader. 
  • Once the screen flashes again, press and hold the R key.
  • The Critical Battery screen appears again after the device reboots. 
  • When the Kindle returns to the Home screen, plug in the USB cord.

Most of the time it fixes the error, but the Kindle won’t charge. Users can also try this trick. Put your Kindle in a Ziploc bag, squeeze out the air, and place it in the freezer section of your refrigerator for 24 hours. Now charge the Kindle again with a wall outlet.

Sum Up

Users can easily fix the Kindle's critical battery error with the above methods. It is simple to fix, Kindle won’t charge. It is also vital for users to follow all instructions quickly.

Steve Smith
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