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Office Furniture Market To Witness Strong Growth, Owing To Growing Penetration Of Smart Office Furniture

Rohan Deep
Office Furniture Market To Witness Strong Growth, Owing To Growing Penetration Of Smart Office Furniture

Office furniture helps employees maintain a good posture while working. It can detect whether a person is sitting or standing for a certain duration of time. It also can detect if the person is resting or in motion. All this information is collected from their surroundings, and smart office furniture makes their working conditions more comfortable. These products can also be expensive and difficult to use. Some smart office furniture can help to keep track of employee hours and productivity. Wireless speakers can connect to other devices. A swivel desk drawer keeps office supplies handy, and a monitor arm allows user to place a screen at the correct angle to reduce the risk of back and neck pain.

Market Dynamics:

Growing penetration of smart office furniture is expected to propel growth of the global office furniture market over the forecast period. Market players are introducing smart office furniture such as advanced office desks that come with sensors so that employees can measure their preference manually according to their comfort level. For instance, in August 2020, Inventis launched a smart chair called G-Smart, which is an ergonomic solution that integrates health tech into the humble office chair.

However, high cost raw materials required to build such furniture such as foam, chipboard, hardware, timber is expected to hinder growth of the global office furniture market over the forecast period.

For More Information: https://chemicalindustryresearchcmi.blogspot.com/2022/11/office-furniture-market-to-witness.html

Rohan Deep
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