You may not know it, but your hookah charcoal is one of the most important parts of having an excellent hookah experience. The quality of your charcoals can have a massive impact on how much you enjoy smoking with your setup and you can buy Hookah Charcoals Online. The right kind of hookah charcoal will make your experience much more enjoyable while also preserving the flavor and properties of your tobacco smoke. The wrong kind will do just the opposite. We go through all you need to know about choosing the right type of hookah charcoal for your needs and explain why this small detail has such a big impact on your final smoking experience. Keep reading for everything you need to know about choosing the right kind of hookah charcoals!
What to Look for When Choosing Hookah Charcoals
When it comes to choosing the right hookah charcoal, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. The following are the most important things to look for when purchasing your next set of charcoals:
- Burn Rate: This is probably the most important thing to keep in mind when choosing the right hookah charcoals. The burn rate refers to how quickly (or slowly) charcoal will burn and turn into ash. This can have a significant impact on your hookah session. A charcoal that burns too quickly will leave you with an underwhelming session that burns out your tobacco too quickly and doesn't last as long as it could. A charcoal that burns too slowly, on the other hand, can actually damage your pipe and leave you with a bad smoking experience. Hookah charcoal burn rates are usually measured in coals per hour (CPH). The number refers to how long it will take a full set of charcoals to turn into ash.
- Smell: The smell of your charcoals is another important thing to keep in mind when choosing the right ones. The smell of your charcoals reflects on the taste of your tobacco smoke and will linger in your pipe. Certain charcoals smell better than others, and that can impact the final taste of your smoking experience.
- Price: Hookah charcoals can vary in price quite a bit. You can find charcoals at every price point, so finding some that fit into your budget is usually not a problem. Just make sure you're getting the best deal possible based on the factors above.
Types of Hookah Charcoal
There are a few different types of charcoals available for your hookah sessions. Each one comes with its own pros and cons, so you'll want to make sure you choose a specific charcoal that will meet your needs. The most common types of hookah coals are natural, quick-lighting, and coconut coals. Hybrid coals are also becoming more and more common, but they don't quite fit into any of the above categories.
- Natural Charcoals: These are the most traditional types of charcoals that have been used for decades in hookah smoking. They are made from a variety of tree-based materials and are often impregnated with substances like mineral carbon and sodium to help them burn more efficiently. Natural charcoals are usually preferred by experienced hookah smokers as they require a bit of skill to use properly. They take a while to get going, but they also tend to burn very high and last quite a while.
- Quick-lighting Charcoals: These charcoals are made by mixing sawdust and other chemicals, and they are designed to start burning as soon as you light them. They tend to burn at a lower temperature than natural charcoals, which means they work well with quick-lighting coals. They are usually made from coconut husks, wood, or other materials, and they are often sprayed with certain oils and chemicals to help them light and burn more efficiently.
- Coconut Coals: These are quickly becoming the most popular types of charcoals among hookah smokers. They are made from coconut husks, which means they are biodegradable, organic, and completely free of chemicals. They are a bit more expensive than other kinds of charcoals, but they are still affordable for most people and make for a great investment. Coconut coals tend to burn at a higher temperature than quick-lighting coals, which means they work well with all types of tobacco. They are usually very easy to use and come in many different shapes and sizes.
Hookah Coals to Avoid
You might think that any charcoal will do when it comes to smoking hookah, but that's far from the truth. There are some charcoals that are best avoided for a number of reasons. The following charcoals should be avoided at all costs: - Black Coals: Black charcoals are a no-no because they contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals that can damage your pipe and ruin the flavor of your tobacco. They also burn at a very high temperature, which can cause damage to your pipe. Black charcoals also tend to have a very strong smell, which means they will leave their mark on your tobacco.
- Soda Coals: Soda charcoals are best avoided because they are known to leave a strange aftertaste in your tobacco. They are often made from sodium compounds and other chemicals that leave a very distinct taste in your tobacco smoke. That is rarely a good thing! Soda charcoals usually also have a very strong smell, which can leave its mark on your tobacco.
- Anthracite Coal: Anthracite is a very hard coal that is difficult to light and burns very slowly. It is not recommended for use with your hookah because it takes too long to get going and burns for a very long time (too long). Anthracite is also very hot, which can cause damage to your pipe.
Recommended Hookah Coals
You can find a wide variety of charcoals on the market, including many that are mixed with extra additives like coconut husks and other materials. You can even find charcoals that are infused with flavors like blueberry and strawberry, but those are best avoided. You can't control how much of that flavor is added to your tobacco, and it can end up being way too strong. Generally, the best types of charcoals for hookah are coconut coals, quick-lighting coals, and hybrid coals. Coconut coals are biodegradable and environmentally friendly, they burn at a high temperature that works well with all tobacco types, and they have a very natural smell that doesn't interfere with the taste of your tobacco. Quick-lighting coals are very easy to use, burn at a low temperature, and come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. Hybrid coals are a mix of natural and quick-lighting coals, which makes them a great choice for most people.
Choosing the right hookah charcoal can have a significant impact on your smoking experience. You'll want to keep a few things in mind when choosing charcoals, including the burn rate and smell of each one. The most important thing to keep in mind when Hookah Charcoals Online is that not all of them are created equal. Some are much better than others, and you should make sure to choose high-quality charcoals that will make your smoking experience more enjoyable.