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Types of Warehouse Storage Containers

Darah Albesa
Types of Warehouse Storage Containers

Types of Warehouse Storage Containers

As one of the most important elements of logistics, storage plays a vital role in providing efficient and safe ways to transport and store goods. In warehouse facilities, having the appropriate storage containers ensures that products are smartly categorised and organised. With your goods stored out of the way, there’s more room for productivity and mobility.  


Different storage containers play unique and irreplaceable roles in warehouse organisation and logistics. We’re going to create a complete list of these types of equipment. We’ll also explain their characteristics and benefits. 


Containers Used for Warehouse Organisation and Logistics

When deciding on a storage container for your warehouse, you must consider options that will help maximise your use of space. Consider their unique functions, level of durability, and your industry’s required specifications. 


Wire Containers

Wire containers are known for their signature metal mesh patterns. This durable yet visible and breathable design makes them ideal for storing bulk or batch items of plastic components or soft goods. Aside from allowing dirt, dust, and small debris to fall through, they are also easy to clean.  


Wire containers are your most affordable storage container option. They are also collapsible and stackable, making them easy to store and keep out of the way when not in use.  


Stack-and-Nest Plastic Bins

Most stack and nest bins are made from high-density polyethylene, making them durable to withstand daily use and the resulting wear and tear. Since they are not metallic, they are resistant to dust and corrosion. Stack-and-Nest Plastic Bins are common for industrial and commercial storage and shipping solutions. Optional lids will protect your products and goods from dust exposure and other elements. 


From its name, a stack-and-nest plastic bin is a space-saving option since it can either be stacked or nested when empty. When in use, they are ideal for pallet racking systems, thanks to their standard sizing.   


Plastic Crates

Plastic crates are strong and rigid storage solutions. You can use plastic creates to organise and transport storage solutions that you can use for your warehouse logistics.  


These crates are either nestable or stackable. These features will depend on their manufacturer and design. They also feature convenient handles for manual or automated lifting.  


Plastic crates are so versatile and pass international sanitation standards. Because of these qualities, these crates are the standard shipping, shelving, and storage in many industries. These include the automotive, clothing, food, electronics, building, and construction sectors. 


Metal Containers

Metal containers for warehouse packing and storing are preferred for industries operating or shipping in harsh weather conditions.  


A metal container is also ideal for dark-packaged goods or products you must store away from direct sunlight. Additionally, these containers are lightweight, durable, and recyclable when they’re at the end of their life. 


Remember to get your warehouse storage containers from trusted manufacturers and distributors. Authorised suppliers ensure peace of mind. You can confidently use quality equipment that adheres to your industry’s most stringent standards. Good luck finding your ideal warehouse storage solution! 

Darah Albesa
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