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How To Get Loan Without Pan Card With No Physical Documentation

Buddy Loan
How To Get Loan Without Pan Card With No Physical Documentation

PAN (Permanent Account Number) is a fundamental and key document that individuals in India hold. Also, its the most necessary document to get personal loans. But its possible, in some people might not have PAN card. Confused, if you can avail a personal loan without PAN card easily? Don’t worry, anyone can get personal loans, in some cases, even if the person has no PAN card.


Anyone wondering, if they can ever take personal loans, can avail it from Buddy Loan by uploading Aadhar Card at the time of applying. Therefore, avail personal loans from here, this loan aggregating company, because they will match according to your eligibility and suggest the best loan provider. Also lend loans for free without any additional charges.


So, many of youll might be guessing how to get personal loans and other documentation needs. So, these are some of the personal loan document needs. Follow along to know more.  


Personal Loan Document Requirment With No PAN Card


Buddy Loan knows not everyone can get personal loans submitting PAN card as proof. Therefore, we give out loans with just few necessary documents.


Documentation For Salary Employees-

●     Proof Of Photo Identity: Passport, Voter ID, Driving License, Aadhar Card

●     Proof Of Residence: Passport, Aadhar Card, Utility Bill, Ration Card, Driving License.

●     Proof Of Ownership Of Residence: Property Documents, Electricity bill, Maintenance bill

●     Proof Of Income: Salary slips that lend information of last three months with Form 16 and Bank statment information of last six months, showing the credited salary.

●     Proof Of Job: Certificate of employment of the present employer; experience certificate of appointment letter or relieving of the last employer along with job certificates; Appointment letter of the existing employer (submit if the employment tenure surpasses two years)

●     Proof Of Investment: Fixed assets, shares, fixed deposit etc.

●     Photograph: one colour passport size photograph.


Documentation For Self-Employees-

●     Proof Of Photo Identity: Passport, Voter ID, Driving License

●     Proof Of Residence: Passport, Aadhar Card, Utility Bill, Ration Card

●     Proof Of Office Address: Property documents, Utility Bill, Maintenance Bill

●     Proof Of Office Ownership: Property documents, utility bill, electricity bill.

●     Proof Of Buisness Existence: Tax registration copy, company registration license, shop establishment proof.

●     Proof Of Income: Income tax returns of last 2 years of calculation of income, audit report, balance sheet, profit and loss account etc.

●     Bank Statement: Existing bank statement and savings of last 1 year.

●     Proof Of Investment: Investments like fixed assets, fixed deposits and shares.

●     Photograph: A passport size colour photograph. 


Therefore follow these documents, and maintain all the documents accessible to avail personal loans without any PAN card.


Because personal loans are possible to take online without physical documents, you must follow the following steps:


Personal Loan Process:

Note: Since everyone can take personal loans online, individuals need to upload all the necessary documents in a pdf or soft copy format in the lenders application page. Unlike traditional times, people were suppose to submit physical documents going to the lenders office or Banks. People had to visit time and again, for total verification. Follow these steps to know more of online procedure: 


●     Go to the choosen lender’s Mobile phone Application or website

●     Sign in by submission of OTP, giving phone number.

●     Fill in the essential details of the application form and also upload the necessary documents in soft copy.

●     Then after verification, if the applicants get approval for loan, they’ll get immediate loan amount disburals. 


The Bottom Line:


Many people opt for personal loans because it resolves financial threat. In most cases Aadhar card, PAN card and income proofs are some of the most necessary documents, even if applicants don’t have PAN card; People can apply by the submission of other required documents. Also, please note, different lenders have different criterias and policies.    


Buddy Loan
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